Part 42

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The next few days, you spend them with Beth and Steph preparing the gender reveal day, which in three days. Still in bad terms with Gio, still no answer from your dad. This is hard for you, Leah hates seeing you like that. She's a bit pissed at David, for getting you through this and having a childish behavior towards you. After training, Leah decides to go to your parents' house for a talk. She gets there, parks in front the house and goes knocking at the front door.

Cruz: Leah? Hey, what's up.

Leah: Hey, Cruz, it's nice seeing you. Is David there?

Cruz: Yes, dad!

More the time goes by, more Leah gets angry at him. Suddenly, David comes out of nowhere with Victoria. Straight away, he knows why Leah is here, and mostly what she's gonna tell him.

Victoria: Leah, what bring you here?

Leah: Y/n.

Victoria: Is she okay? Is there a problem with the babies?

Leah: No, for that she's perfectly fine.

Victoria: Then, what's going on?

Leah: What's going on? Your husband is avoiding his own daughter, that's the problem. It's been a month.

David: Leah, that is not concerning you.

Leah: Yes, it does. It concerns my wife, so it concerns me too. I'm gonna tell you one thing, David. Y/n has always been doing everything so you can be proud of her, so you can be happy. Your opinion on everything she does, means more than anything to her. Can you actually guess how heartbroken she is that you're not happy about the fact she's gonna be a mom?

David: You don't know what you're talking about, Leah, I do. You two won't be able to have children and a successful career at the same time. She's messing up everything she did the last few years. And that's all your fault.

Leah: You can blame me, if it please you. But it doesn't erase the fact that you're the main reason of why she's unhappy, right now. I'm telling you, you can be her dad, the president, whoever you want, you're losing her and I won't let you hurt her...

David: I'M HER DAD.

Leah: SO ACT LIKE ONE. And stop being a child.... We are about to have two beautiful little kids, I really hope you'll be part of their lives. But right now, you're the only who can make things right. We organized the genders reveal at our house, next Saturday, you're all invited.

Leah gets out of your parent's, really pissed at David. Inside, he stays a bit, shocked by Leah's behavior but also feeling guilty for how he's acting with you. Victoria stares at him, before passing next to him.

Victoria: She's right, David.... and you know it.

On your side, you're at the house with Beth and Steph planning the last few things, when you see Leah's car parking in the driveway. She gets inside, still pretty pissed of her conversation with David. It's like written on her face. You can clearly see that something is wrong.

Leah: Hey everyone.

Y/n: Hey, is everything okay?

Leah: Yeah, I'm fine.

Beth: Liar.

Leah: Beth, please, don't...

Y/n: It's been an hour since training ended, where were you?

Leah: I went to see your dad.

Y/n: Babe... why?...

Leah: I have enough seeing you sad all the time, because your dad is a...

Season 1: Leah WilliamsonWhere stories live. Discover now