Part 63

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The meeting ends up. Everyone gets back in their room, pack up and leave to go back to their own club, own city, own country. Leah is driving you home. You're both silent in the car, you just grab Leah's hand.

Leah: We have training, this afternoon. I'll go pick up the twins at my parents after it, okay?

Y/n: Okay... I think I'm gonna go talk to Jonas.

Leah: Talk about what?

Y/n: About my mom. He needs to know what happened.

Leah: Yeah, you're right... Do you want me to come with you?

Y/n: Don't be offended, okay? But I need to do that on my own.

Leah: Okay, it's fine.

You arrive at home. You unpack your stuff, while Leah is cooking lunch. On the hallway, you land on a picture of the Beckham family.

You smile seeing them, reminding you a lot of memories. You go back downstairs and go sit on the counter. You look at Leah.

Leah: What? Do I have something on my face?

Y/n: I'm sorry.

Leah: Sorry for what?

Y/n: For putting you through this. You don't deserve that.

Leah: Stop, now. I don't want you to say that, ever again... I would go through anything for you. Anything.

Y/n: I'm just scared. So scared.

Leah stops what she's doing to come towards you. She's standing between your legs.

Leah: I'm here, babe. I'll always be here, next to you, through every step of the way.

Y/n: Tell me you won't go, you'll never leave me.

Leah: Where do you want me to go? You are my home, babe. There is no other place I rather want to be at.

Y/n: You and the twins are the best thing that ever happened to me... You're my biggest victory.

Leah: You're mine too... I love you, Y/n Maria Jane Beckham Williamson.

Y/n: I love you too, Leah Cathrine Williamson.

Leah kisses you and gives you a hug. You hold her tightly, feeling so safe in her arms. Suddenly, you start feeling something burning.

Y/n: Babe? Isn't there something burning?

Leah: Lunch.

Leah rushes over the cooktops to catch up the meal. You laugh cause you can clearly see that it all burned. Even if it was made with the best intentions, Leah isn't the best chef.

Leah: I think we're gonna go eat at the Training Centre. This is inedible.

Y/n: It's okay, babe. Cooking isn't your best quality.

Leah: I'm sorry.

Y/n: Come on, let's go eat something edible.

Leah throws what she cooked in the trash. You grab your football bag, Leah grabs hers, the car keys and you head outside. Leah drives you towards the Arsenal Training Centre. She pulls over in the parking lot. Quite everyone is already there, due to a morning training session that you didn't go to cause of the England team meeting. You go inside the building, drop your stuff into the changing room, then head to the cafeteria with Leah. You take some food and go sit at a table. Leah comes sitting next to you. Suddenly, Viv comes behind you to hug you and give a little kiss on the cheek.

Viv: We are here for you.

Y/n: Beth told you, didn't she?

Viv: She did...

Season 1: Leah WilliamsonWhere stories live. Discover now