Cɦɑpteɾ 27

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♫ On the edge of my seat
I'll wait for the outcome
If we ever have one ♫

Charles Leclerc POV

I was close to telling her to fuck off in the most unkind way possible, but I was interrupted.

"Baby, are we going? It's late, and the fan services are long over by now. Let's go have dinner and then put Lucas to bed," Nat says as she approaches me, completely ignoring Sylvie's closeness.

"Let's go, I was going to get you so we could leave," I followed suit. She knew who Sylvie was, or she wouldn't be doing this.

"Thank you for the support, but our families are here. Do you mind giving us some privacy?" She asks as she turns to a very angry Sylvie.

"Who the fuck are you?" Sylvie asks angrily.

"Natalie Beaufoy, Charles' girlfriend," she presents herself calmly and Sylvie was absolutely fuming.

"I'm Sylvie," she says it like it was the most obvious thing.

"I mean, I don't enjoy the name but good to know you Sylvie. Have a good weekend," she was so nonchalant that I could only try not to laugh.

"I am Lucas' mom," Sylvie blurts out as we walk past her and Natalie stops in her tracks and turns around.

"That's weird. Because I am his mom, I have earned the title. What have you done? Oh, damages. You are his egg donor. Congratulations for successfully birthing a child, it was an amazing act. Now turn around and go back to wherever you came from. He is my kid, you signed the papers. You don't want the kid, you want the dad and you didn't get either," she was so confident that it pissed Sylvie even more.

"Charles is no one's. You are one more," Sylvie is trying to convince herself and Natalie laughs.

"Whatever allows you to sleep at night babe. I am going to eat and then put my son in bed before fucking my man. Have luck with your do-over and the second best you could find," Nat's hand slips in mine as we walk to the hospitality, but before we get in, I turn her around and leave her between me and the wall.

"Your man?" I ask with a smirk and she laughs.

"Don't flatter yourself. She deserves to be seething in hate; she is a fucking bitch," she shrugs, and I laugh.

"You are petty."

"I am both pretty and petty. If she messes with my kid, then she messes with me," she says calmly.

"Your kid?" My heart raced at those words.

"Mine, deal with it," she says before she kisses me, and I correspond to her kiss. I needed it and I think she did too.

"Don't leave," I ask her. My forehead leans on hers as we catch our breaths.

"I won't so don't push me away, I really do love him," she asks as I take a step back.

"Me?" I ask confusedly.

"Yes, you."

"Why would I push you away?" I ask curiously, I never got that image of myself.

"I get the whole protecting your kid thing, but I love him. I won't hurt him, and I don't plan on leaving. I might leave Ferrari, but I am still in Monaco and by then I can stay with Lucas there. And if you keep protecting yourself I get it, just because Lucas likes me it doesn't mean you have to," she says and I'm left thinking.

"Do I do that? Do I push people away to protect myself and Lucas?" I ask and she nods.

"You sure do and no one would blame you for that, you did what you could," she says calmly and I nod, taking a step back as I see my son running from inside the motorhome. 

"Are we going?" He asks curiously and we nod as our families join.

"How do you feel about getting older in a couple of weeks?" Arthur asks Lucas, who just shrugs.

"What?" I hear Natalie's voice as she looks at Lucas in surprise. "You told me you had your birthday already. Did you lie to me?"

"I don't like my birthday," he mutters as he guiltily looks up at her.

"Why? You should celebrate every year of your life," she kneels down to his height and he just looks at me.

"She left on his third birthday so he doesn't like celebrating it now," I tell her and she is obviously taken back.

"Well, when is your birthday?" She asks excitedly, and he remains quiet.

"It's on the 19th of August," Arthur informs her, and her smile widens.

"Oh! Mine is on the 20th! Can we celebrate together?" She asks happily, and I see the guilt leaving his eyes before he smiles.

"Do you want to?" He asks nervously and she nods frantically.

"I sure do! Imagine how cool it would be! Say yes, please!" She says as she fixes his messy hair and he nods.

"Yes!" It excitedly leaves his lips before he caresses her cheek and he kisses it after.

"That's my boy!" She says proudly as she gives the top of his head, holding his hand as we walk through the paddock.

As we approached the exit, I still saw Sylvie there, but her focus was on how happy Lucas was as he held Nat's hand. I discreetly wrapped my arm around her, and my eyes locked with Sylvie for a second before I looked at Nat and smiled. She was aware because she smirked back.

"You are being petty Charlie," she whispers before kissing my neck and I laugh.

"Petty and pretty. The great duo, right?" I answer as I raise my eyebrow, which makes her laugh too.

"Indeed," she comments as we make our way to my car. 

She and Anthoine came with me to the track, so I took them back to the hotel. We successfully avoided the crowd by using another door to enter the hotel. The other drivers would have to be enough. I did my part. 

I worked until the 7th of August, returning to Monaco on that day. I saw Natalie a couple of times in Maranello at work, but I was too busy trying to convey all of the work in these days so I could be with Lucas and my family the rest of the time.

From what I know, Natalie would come back to Monaco on the 15th. I went on a short family trip with my family and came back on the 18th, Lucas was always asking for Natalie, I knew they would text a bit but I think he just wants to see her. 

"It's almost," Lucas enters the living room way past his bedtime and both me and my brothers stop the game we were playing.

"It is, did we wake you up?" I ask worriedly, but he shakes his head.

"What if she leaves too?" He asks scaredly, and I hug my arms.

"She will be here first thing in the morning, you will see," I tell him confidently. I don't think she would leave me, but everyone could just get up and leave. 

"Can I stay?" He asks as he looks at his uncles who smiled.

"Sure thing, do you want to play with us? Your uncle Lorenzo is so easy to beat," Arthur says excitedly, and he is quickly distracted.

But everytime he looked at the clock I saw his nervousness and eagerness, he wanted her here and I don't know where she is. So I texted her, asking if she had arrived in Monaco yet. But the text didn't deliver. Is she sleeping at 11 PM while on vacation? Doesn't seem like something she would do.

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