Chapter 27

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We walked to the palace. 

Which sucked. 

But Thibault had no one to drive his carriage and I had sent away my only transportation. 

"Stop there! No entry beyond this point!" said the guard, his face hidden behind a giant helmet. 

"I have an invite!" I called ahead, lifting my letter from Princess Anna. He didn't move an inch until I was right in front of him then he finally accepted the paper. 

"Apologies Duchess," He gestured to the other guards and they pushed open the gate. 

"Thank you!" I slipped through the gate Thibault followed closely behind, a dower look on his face. "Now we just need to find the king and convince him," I turned to see Thibault had stopped a couple of feet back and was now just staring at the horizon. How is sad Thibault more annoying than drunk Thibault? I thought as I rushed over to him quickly pulling him towards the palace. "You have to pay attention, okay? This is important." 

"Are you a witch?" 


"Nothing," He shrugged solemnly. As we walked up to the front of the palace the footmen opened the doors for us. I'm really liking all these people opening doors for me, it's like there is automatic doors everywhere. 

We had barely stepped foot into the entranceway when I heard a familiar friendly voice. 

"Claudette?" Princess Anna stood halfway down the steps, in a satin white robe her hair tied neatly into a braid. She had just recently woken up. 

"Princess" I dropped into a small curtsey, not to brag but I've gotten pretty good at them. 

"I'm afraid I wasn't expecting you this early darling," She ran a hand through her hair. "Oh, and you've brought Lord Thibault with you?"

"Your Highness," Thibualt bowed. "I'm afraid I can't talk long I must speak with the King." 

"Oh dear," She clutched her peal necklace. "what has happened?" 

Thibualt's expression turned sour. 

"I'm afraid there has been a mix-up and Duchess Sarduo has been wrongfully detained. We are here to fix the issue." I said before Thibault could insult the King to his sister's face. 

"Oh dear, that is serious indeed. Come with me quickly now, I'll bring you to my brother." I had never been in this part of the palace before, where the royals live. The tall ceilings shrank to a more manageable height, and paintings of landscapes were replaced by portraits of past kings and queens and their families. Thibault seemed to know where he was going almost walking ahead of Princess Anna at some points, while I dragged behind unsure. 

I guess he must have come here often, he lived so close by after all. He could visit Julian whenever he wanted.            

We came to a stop in front of a plain wooden door. I guess this was it, the king's study, but before we could knock the door swung open. 

For a second I thought it was a ghost. Pale skin clung tightly to its sharp features, and its blank eyes stared right through me. Then a spark of gold. Recognition. Seemed to light him up from the inside. His gaze softened. A smile twitched at the ends of his lips.

It was Julian. 

I curtsied, glad to have already practiced how to in this skirt. That is when I saw the blood on his fingers. There were flashes of that night. Of Bellmont's lifeless body. He must have seen me seeing it because when I looked up he had become a ghost again.

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