Chapter 33

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I just kissed Julian. 

I fell to my knees. My face was so hot I was worried I had a fever. 

I just kissed Julian. 

My fictional crush turned out to be real. And I kissed him. 

I felt dizzy, though that might be because of the soul-draining magic thingy. 

"Claudette," A sharp voice cut through the thick fog of my mind. I looked up to see Emilee running for me, a dark cloak wrapped around her. 

"Hmm?"I asked my mind still in a daze. 

"Get up!" She pulled me up off the ground and flung the cloak over me, tying it around my shoulders. "We have to go!" 

"I actually have to-" I was stopped mid-sentence by the look in Emilee's eyes. She was crying. "I'll go get Camilla."

"No, we have to leave now." She pulled the hood up over my head and tucked my hair back making sure it didn't poke through. She grabbed me by the wrist and began dragging me to the door. 

I looked back to me and Julian's half-eaten picnic. 

"I'm sorry," I whispered before turning back to Emilee. But if I am right, and the Baron is the one behind everything, this might be my best chance to save you.   


"Eat" Emilee slammed a bowl of slop onto the table in front of me. We had been walking for a while now and we had only just reached the very edge of the city. The small tavern was filled with people drinking, laughing, and playing games. 

Emilee sat down across from me arms crossed, she had gotten the chance to change out of her ballgown and blended in perfectly with everyone around us. I on the other hand stuck out like a sour thumb with my silk dress, and expensive jewelry. 

Carefully I took a bit of the "soup", trying not to let my cloak slip and reveal my identity. Emilee's eyes didn't stay in one place for long, as she scoured the crowd for any sign of danger. 

"So when are we meeting with the Baron?" If I was stuck with her this might be a good chance to get some information. 

"We aren't," She didn't even turn to look at me. What? Then where are we going? "I've sent Gabriel a letter to lock down the manor. Cordelia won't leave until we get back." 

"And when are we getting back?" I asked, but Emilee ignored me. Her eyes had locked onto something. I leaned across the table trying to see what she was looking at but I couldn't see anything. Just a bunch of very drunk people.

"Get up now," Emilee whispered to me, and confused I did as she asked. "Act natural." 

That is much easier said than done, especially when wearing heels.

Emilee slipped easily through the crowd of people, with most of them not even noticing she was there. I tried to follow her stealthily but ended up tripping over my cloak and bumping into a couple of people. 

"Sorry," I whispered as one of the men I bumped into turned around angrily. His anger quickly disappeared though when he caught sight of one of my earrings. A wicked smile brimmed on his face. I looked for Emilee but she had already disappeared into the crowd. 

Quickly I turned trying to follow where I thought she had gone but I was stopped by the man who grabbed my wrist yanking me back towards him. I yelped startled as my hood fell off my head. Everyone was looking at me now, eyes transfixed on my luxurious clothing. 

"Let go of me!" I tried to yank my hand back but to no avail. The man was a giant, which was saying a lot because in Claudette's body, I was quite tall. 

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