Panic in the Sewers

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I don't own this picture! 

Splinter POV

The fog engulfs around the city as my sons and daughter arrive at the scene.

"Shredder could be anywhere. Stay frosty, guys." Leo stated. 

"FYI: Frost can't accumulate unless it's below freezing, except during a process called-" Donnie stated. 

"Maybe he's got an off-switch somewhere." Mikey said, annoyed. 

"Found it!" Raph stated as he hit Donnie and he shut up. 

Donnie glares at Raph angrily. Suddenly, the Shredder's voice was heard from a distance!

"And I've found four pathetic turtles and a little girl with only seconds to live." Shredder stated. 

"Wouldn't wanna be them." Mikey said. 

"We are them." Raph stated. 

We take out their weapons, ready for battle.

Mikey slowly and nervously backs away, suddenly, Shredder appears from behind him, pulls him out, his nunchucks were dropped as he screamed, mercilessly killed by the Shredder!

"Mikey!" Donnie and Y/n exclaimed. 

Donnie and Y/n attack, but the Shredder destroys his bo staff and kicks him right to the asphalt, killing him. Shredder doesn't manage to lay a finger on Y/n as she does a backflip and land next to Leo and Raph. 

"Raph, take him down!" Leo exclaimed. 

Shredder kicks him away and defeats Raph, sending our poor turtle to the air, as he vanishes in nothing but a blink of an eye, Raph is dead.

"No!" Leo and Y/n exclaimed in unison. 

Leo pants until he is horrified that he is now in darkness and in the void.

"There is no place you can run, no place you can hide, where I will not find you! YOU THINK YOU ARE READY TO FACE ME?!" Shredder shouted. 

Shredder decapitates Leo and then turns to Y/n, who was scared and shaking. 

"Ready to join your parents?" Shredder asked. 

"What did you do to them? Where are they?" Y/n asked. 

Shredder didn't answer, but stabbed Y/n's abdomen with his steel claw and killed her. 

"No!" I exclaimed, waking up, panting. 


"Come on!" Raph exclaimed. 

My brothers and I are preparing to leave but Father stops them.

"Where are you going?" Father stated.

"Heading out for our evening patrol." Leo stated. 

"There will be no patrol." Father stated, seriously. 

"Sensei?/Father?" Leo and I said at the same time, confused. 

"Last time you fought the Shredder, you barely escaped with your lives." Father said. 

"But, Sensei, next time, we'll be ready." Raph stated. 

"Yes,..." Father started. 

Father grabs Raph and twists his hands, much to Raph's shock and pain.

"Because you will stay down here until you are ready. No patrol, no games, no rest. There is only training! Starting now!" Father stated. 

In the dojo, me and my brothers, clearly exhausted, are training as hard as we can.

TMNT 2012: Y/n HamatoWhere stories live. Discover now