The Manhattan Project part 1

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I don't own this picture! 


Me and the boys were doing our regular patrol, running across rooftops when Leo suddenly stopped us. 

"Hold up, ninjas! I have a feeling we're not alone here." Leo stated. 

"You're right, Leo. We have a potential spy." Mikey said. 

"Shh. I thought I heard-" Donnie said. 

"Foot! Attack!" Karai ordered. 

The foot clan and Rahzar attacks. Rahzar lunges at Mikey.

"Serving one bot, hot!" Raph exclaimed. 

"Get off of me, Rahzar!" Mikey shouted.

I save Mikey from Rahzar. Mikey gets up and fists bumps me. Rahzar began to use his claws.

"Look out!" Mikey exclaimed. 

Mikey swats them away.

"Let's take her down once and for all." I stated. 

I begin to take on Karai and follows her.

"Karai, listen, There's something you should know. It's about your father. [leaps from below] Your real father! Your real name is Miwa!" I stated. 

"I'm not interested in anything but you begging for your life, cousin." Karai stated. 

"Listen to me, Karai, for one: I won't be begging for my life, because your so-called father wants me alive, you know that and two: I know where Shredder is keeping my parents, sooner or later I will have them back, one way or the next." I stated. 

Suddenly, something started shaking the Earth.

"Earthquake!"  Mikey exclaimed. 

"In New York?" Rahzar asked. 

"Karai, look out!" I screamed. 

I kick Karai out to safety as something falls on top of me, burying me alive.

I can feel my brothers digging the debris out of the way

"Y/n!" Mikey exclaimed. 

"Keep digging!" Raph stated. 

"Y/n?" Leo asked, worried. 

"Ugh! I think I broke a rib or two...What? Why are you guys looking at me like I have two heads?" I asked as the boys just stared me. 

"Seriously, what is it? You guys are starting to scare me." I stated. 

"Your eye." Leo muttered. 

"What about it? I feel fine." I stated, as I feel my right eye, nothing, then my left eye and I flinched. 

"Enough about my eye. What was that?" I asked. 

"Some kind of localized quake. But what caused it?" Donnie asked. 

"Oh, no, she's gone! I could've changed everything. Now it's too late." I stated.

We get back to the lair and Donnie treats my eye and told me that it would leave a scar. 

"Scientists are calling them 'microquakes', but they shake so hard, this reporter's hair was badly messed up!  No need for concern. I'm being treated by my stylist." Carlos stated. 

"Dude! His poor hair!" Mikey stated. 

"Earthquakes in Manhattan? Something is definitely up." Raph stated. 

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