selfish reasons

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Jalil's POV
I was in the same college with Fatima.She was the only girl I was drawn to , so I married her.As years passed our love grew.

Our love grew but there was no proof of it.I had a strong obsession with kids,but Fatima never gave me any.We went to the doctor,we were both fertile.

As the years passed I grew impatient because I made love to her,day and night.My parents pressured me for so long, I had enough.

My parents suggested that I divorced her, which I strongly objected to, because I was inlove with her.They suggested I got a second wife, which a huge no,no for me at first, because I knew Fatima wouldn't like it.

She would leave me, but I was very desperate for a child of my own.I wanted atleast seven children,majority being boys.I decided to try again with Fatima,maybe she could conceive.

It didn't work,I grew frustrated but that was when my parents introduced me to Amina.I felt very much attracted to her at first glance.

Her beauty was close to Fatima, nobody could match up to Fatima but Amina was pretty close,I couldn't help but feel attracted and drawn to her.

After speaking with her for sometime,I married her.This marraige was bitter sweet because I knew i would be hurting Fatima.

I hid this from her,but soon Amina got pregnant.just a year of marraige and she was already pregnant and when I found out that it was a boy, I was overjoyed.

I knew this was the right decision marrying Amina.I couldn't hide her anymore,my son was on his way.I told Fatima the truth.It broke her,I hated her being in pain, yet I couldn't allow her to influence me.

So I focused on my son, to help distract me from the guilt.It worked for a few months and now here I am dreading what I did.

I was still attracted to Amina, I had grown to love her even more after the birth of our son,but seeing Fatima's state took all my attention away.

I realised that I was madly in love with her,but not so madly that I betrayed her for my own personal gain.

Amina came in looking distressed.She was Abit vulnerable and insecure.
Amina:jalil,I was talking to Fatima, and she scared me , saying kharma is a bitch,do you think she means what we did to her, could happen to us.

Jalil: don't be worried,we did nothing wrong.
Amina:we should have told her.
Jalil:she would have divorced me.
Amina: what makes you think she won't do it now?

(I tensed.I was firm when I broke the news to Fatima, I had to be,to corner from divorcing me.I have to make sure again,that she doesn't divorce me)
Jalil:you are talking as if,you had no knowledge that we were getting married behind her back.

Amina: I was desperate,I was 30 years old umarried, woman.

Fair enough

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