love blossoms

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Fatima's POV
I can't believe I slept in the Don's room.The freaking mafia leader, and he wanted to be Muslim.No ,he is clearly doing this because of me.

I can't let him do that.But what's so special about me,I mean  am not woman enough.Does he pity me?I couldn't just jump into his arms just because he says he likes me.

I mean,I like him too,but I need to know him better,so that I don't get my heart crushed.Just thinking about jalils betrayal scares me more.

Would Isaac betray me?I need to find out.

He was currently in the garden watering his special plants.I came out to the garden.He took one look at me and frowned.

Isaac:who was mean to you?
Fatima:oh no no, it's just that I wanted to know if you really liked me,or that you pitied me(I looked down.To my surprise he sprayed me with the watering can till I was drenched.He then threw it away and came to me)

Isaac: now that I have thoroughly washed your mouth,I don't want such filth coming out of it.
Fatima:but you don't understand (my eyes filled up with tears.he touched my face) I have been hurt deeply,my husband went behind my back,he married another woman and impregnated her.I am scared(I sobbed softly.He wiped away my tears)

Isaac:well your husband is not man enough for a woman like you,that is why he got a woman of his standards.That too behind your back, like the coward he is.You see cowards show their true colors when they can't handle the goodness of good people like your self.You are no ordinary woman,you are a queen, and he can't handle all that glory,but I can.

Fatima: because you are a king?
Isaac:the freaking mafia king
Fatima:I don't like arrogant people.
Isaac:well get used to it, because I Ain't going no where.
Fatima:you promise you won't hurt me?

Isaac:I give you my heart.
Fatima:can you stop being cheesy(his eyes suddenly turned dark,his tone changed deadly)
Isaac:I wasn't being cheesy,I give you the right to pluck out my heart, the day I cheat on you.

(I stared surprised,he was dead ass serious.)
Fatima: okay,I am going to work.
Isaac:I want you to stop working.
Fatima: I can't.
Isaac: fine,you are my personal maid after all,carry on.(he turned his back to me,big mistake.)

I found a full can and sprayed him with water.He started chasing me till I ran into the mansion.

I felt safe with Isaac but I couldn't trust him easily,I needed to be very careful.I came home expecting to be bashed.

Bashed I was,as jalil and his parents followed me around screaming.Me having enough I slammed the door in their stupid faces,serves them right for calling me a slut.

All I could think of was Isaac,I suddenly got a text from him.I asked how he got my number,he said it was a secret.

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