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Mako helps me from the bath, my clothes sticking to me like a second skin and wraps a towel around me, a loving look on her face.

I regret getting in with my clothes on, but I don't think I could have forced myself in otherwise. Mako however, is still standing in front of me naked as a newborn and seeming in no hurry to get dressed.

Not that she had anything to change into except her dirty clothes.

She moves to grab another towel and I find myself not looking away from her body this time. Her skin is the same paleness as her face, the black marks running all down her perfect body in patterns. I'd seen Tuluk shirtless and figured that all male orcs were probably as muscular as he was, but I didn't realize that the females were as well.

Or at least that Mako was.

I'd seen her arm muscles before, but didn't think that the rest of her would look as if sculpted from the purest marble. All her muscles had definition, presumably from a lifetime of training and hard work. She didn't have any scars on her body and that shocked me.

"What do those marks mean?" I ask her suddenly.

She picks up a towel and starts to lazily dry herself as she answers, "we get them when we complete our training as part of a graduation ceremony. Only the warriors have them," she says proudly.

My eyes run over her again, "they are beautiful."

She snorts, "they are not meant to be beautiful. They are meant to strike fear into the hearts of our enemies."

"Well they are beautiful to me," I tell her again, shivering slightly.

Mako wraps her towel around her waist and picks another one up, replacing my wet one with the dry one. "We should get you home so you can change into dry clothes."

I nod, "yes please. My feet are killing me, I think I've walked more today then I have the entire time I've been here."

Mako frowns slightly, "would you let me carry you?"

"You'd do that?"

She nods, "I would love to."

I bite my cheek slightly before asking, "are you going to put on a shirt before we leave?"

Mako laughs, "we don't view nudity like humans. But, you can be my shirt if you'd like."

She moves slowly, scooping me up and holding me close. I use my towel to cover her chest as much as I can and she leaves the bathing room, heading towards her home. Our home, I tell myself. It's our home and despite how much I miss the sun and the wind, I'd deal with it if it meant that I was with Mako.

We walk past dozens of orcs, each giving us a nod or a smile, but none stop us. I was surprised to see that there looked to be an even number of warrior orcs and regular workers. From the stories that people tell, all orcs are battle hardened savages, but looking at the ones we pass, they seem almost gentle.

I look up at Mako, "how many of your people are actually warriors?"

She seems surprised by the question but answers easily, "not as many as humans think. It's a hard process to become a warrior and not many make it through. Some don't even attempt, knowing that their strengths lie elsewhere." She glances down at me and smiles, "but that's a secret."

We continue in silence until we get to our cave and I feel Mako stiffen. Looking at the entrance, I see two giant orcs standing on either side of the opening, large spears in their hands. Panic flashes through me, are they here to take me away? Are they sending me back to the village, back to him.

Mako kisses my head reassuringly and walks past the guards who don't even acknowledge us. When we get inside, there's another orc standing inside, wearing a bright red dress. When she turns to us, I'm shocked to see her wearing so much gold jewelry. Rings loop in her ears, chains drip from her neck and she even has a hoop in her nose.

She smiles when she sees us and Mako sighs, "hello mother."

"Mother?" I hiss at Mako.

"Yes dear," Mako's mother answers for her, her voice higher than I was expecting. "It's nice to finally meet you. I was expecting the two of you days ago," she says pointedly.

Mako's jaw flexes slightly, "we were.. settling in."

Her mom glanced around the sparse room and says sarcastically, "yes I can see that." She takes a step towards us and Mako's arms tighten around me slightly, her chest rumbling. Mako's mother scoffs, "I'm not going to harm her Makiono. I merely wish to meet my new daughter and grandchild."

This was not how I wanted to meet Mako's family. But, to be honest, I hadn't actually thought about her having family. She hadn't mentioned any and I hadn't asked. "Put me down," I tell her. Her chest rumbles more as her arms tighten at my words and I put a hand on her face, making her look at me. "Mako, put me down. It'll be alright." She looks at me for a long moment before her arms finally relax and my feet touch the ground. Looking at Mako's mother, I offer my hand, "it's nice to meet you. I'm Raine."

She looks at my hand curiously before taking it firmly, "a pleasure, Raine. I'm Queen Neera."

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