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The dress that Mako gave me felt like water on my skin, cool and soft.

We had found a clothing maker to alter it for me, taking up the hem and letting it out slightly around my stomach. When I had first seen myself in it, I almost didn't recognize myself. I looked like one of the highborn ladies from my town and when Mako had joined me in the mirror, I felt something I'd never thought would be possible for me-

I felt powerful.

Especially when Mako wrapped her arms around me and nuzzled her head into my neck, whispering sweet things to me. I mean, who wouldn't feel powerful with a gorgeous warrior princess hopelessly devoted to them?

But now, as I sit across the table from Neera and her husband Harold in an awkward silence, I can feel my confidence slipping.

"Your home is lovely," I tell Neera, needing something to fill the silence.

She smiles politely, "thank you darling. This has been our family home for three generations." She motions to my stomach that is very visible in the dress, "and now hopefully, four generations."

I look around the large room, you could definitely tell that it was built with love and that someone had expensive taste. "Does it have windows?" I ask, slightly joking. "Humans aren't meant to stay cooped up underground."

Neera frowns slightly, "windows would give an enemy an opening to attack you. No," she shakes her head, "you won't find any windows in this hive."

My heart sink at her words. I'd been hoping there would be a room closer to the mountains surface where I'd be able to see outside. "I promised Raine that I would build her a house out on the mountain," Mako tells her mother.

"Absolutely not!" Neera hissed. "You three are the future of our clan and you will not put your lives at risk for something as silly as the sun."

"Mother," Mako half growls.

"No, she's right," I interrupt. Everyone looks at me in surprise, "the most important thing is keeping our child safe. I don't need a house outside, we can just have outings."

Neera looks at Mako smugly, "and if I may ask, who is the father of your child?"

"It doesn't matter mother," Mako says quickly as my heart threatens to race from my chest. Mako had never asked me that, and I'd hoped that neither would her parents.

"Well I think it does!" Neera half yells. "It's a valid question since the child is going to, presumably, be your heir to the throne."

I can hear Mako's chest rumbling as she argues, "the child is mine and that's all you need to know!"

"I'm just trying to figure out if we need to post a few more guards in case he decides to come looking for his offspring," Neera argued with Mako.

"He doesn't know," I tell them, speaking for the first time since they started arguing. "I.. left, before he found out. He doesn't know about the baby or that I'm here."

Mako puts her hand on my leg I jump slightly at the contact. She goes to take her hand away but I grab it, slipping my fingers between hers. "There, no need for more guards or more questions," Mako tells her firmly.

Neera looks at me curiously but she doesn't press the issue anymore. Harold, who has been watching all of us with a concerned look on his face the entire time, stands suddenly, "Raine, I have a gift for you. Would you care to accompany me to my office?"

I stand as fast as I can, "absolutely."

Harold smiles and walks around to me, offering me his arm, "we won't be long ladies." We leave Mako and Neera glaring at each other and I feel bad about abandoning Mako, but Harold whispers to me, "she'll be alright." When we get to his office, he closes the door behind us and offers me a chair, "I apologize for my wife."

"Oh," I say surprised. "That's ok, she's just worried."

Harold nods, "she wasn't always like this, but after we lost our three sons she's become, well, overbearing. Not that I can blame her."

"She loves Mako," I tell him. "It's why she worries."

"Do you love my daughter?" He asks me.

I don't have to think before I answer, "I do."

Harold smiles, "then that's all I need to know." He gets back up and walks to a table along one wall, picking up a large box. He brings it to me and sets it down at my feet, "this was the cradle that all my children used when they were born. It would mean a lot to me, and Neera, if you would use it for your child."

I look at the cradle and run my hand over the dark intricately carved wood. Flowers and what looks to be a mountain are carved on one side, "it's beautiful. I'd be honored to use it."

Harold beams at me, "I'm glad you like it. May I give you a hug?"

I nod, "yes."

His strong arms wrap gently around me for a moment before a loud crashing sound comes from the direction of the dining room. We break apart and Harold looks at me, "we should probably go see what that was."

He picks up the cradle and together we go back to the dining room where Mako and Neera are both standing and glaring at each other. A broken pitcher lays shattered on Neera's side, like Mako had thrown it at her.

"What is going on?" Harold booms as he sets the cradle on the table.

"Your daughter-"

"Mother wants-"

They yell at the same time. Harold holds up a hand and stops them both, "one at a time. Darling?" He asks, looking to his wife.

"Your daughter threw my mothers water jug at my head!" She yells.

Harold turns to Mako, "sweetheart?"

"Mother wants to throw a wedding!"

The Orcs Pregnant Mateजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें