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An underground room was revealed behind the wall. Luna made a cross with her locket and asked for a torch.

I gave her a torch. She turned it on and asked us.

"One person will stay here. Now you all can decide who?"

We all looked at each other. Then Harry 'the eldest one' said.

"I think the youngest should stay here and the eldest one' should go downstairs. Now you can guess who it is."

Luna and I nodded their heads. As Harry said Bella stayed there.

All three of us went downstairs. We had a torchlight with us and I was carrying it.

It was all dark. There was a huge underground in my house and I didn't even had a hint about it.

There was a lot of stuff covered in blankets. The blankets felt familiar to me. I don't know how.

Luna and Harry were continuously uncovering everything they saw. There was a sewing machine, fridge, microwave, utensils and many more.

Luna was ahead of both of us. She uncovered a mannequin. It was creepy as hell and same as the one from the hospital 4th floor mannequin.

I got frightened. I put my steps backwards then put my hand on my cross necklace and started chanting the name 'Jesus'.

Suddenly I bumped into Harry's chest. I turned back and our faces were damn close. My heart skipped a bit. There was a deathly silence.

I moved forward. I saw a handkerchief in the laundry basket.
I touched it and then I don't know what happened. I started feeling dizzy so I closed my eyes.

I was in a different universe. A incident started playing like a movie.
A toddler was playing on the swing in my garden. Then the swing broke. The toddler started crying.

Black blood started to come from the knee cut. A lady came running. She wiped the tears with her apron and cleaned the blood with the same handkerchief.

I opened my eyes and took off my hand from the handkerchief. I was breathing heavily. Luna noticed my behaviour and asked me.

"What's wrong, Lily? You don't look fine, is everything okay? Are you scared of the dark?"

"I'm alright. I'm all fine. Don't worry much about me." I hesitated to speak. My hand was on my chest.

I turned back and looked at Bella. Harry went upstairs. He put his hands on Bella's both shoulders and whisper something in her ear. Bella giggled.

She looked at me and raised her eyebrows. I shooked my head. Seeing them together made me kinda jealous.

Maybe Bella was hiding their relationship just as I was hiding my feelings for Harry. Tear poured down my face. I cleaned it before anybody could see.

Luna and I searched some more items in the room. When we came out of the room, we heard loud noises from upstairs.

We went there and soon realised that it was coming from one of the abandoned rooms. We entered the room.

We saw Alice in there. She was playing the music system. The room was all dark and covered with dust. It gave a lot of creepy vibes.

"There is a freeking music system in our house and we never knew? Ahh... This house has so much mysteries!" Bella yelled.

Luna go near the boxes with filled with old toddler stuffs. These were the same as the ones I saw on google. I follow Luna as I wanted to stay away from both Harry and Bella.

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