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When my life is ready to fall apart,
And my mind is seconds to shatter down,
The daylight starts to hurt my eyes,
My mind impairs from my own sound,
When I wish the world to crumble to peices,
And my body even burns with cold breazes,
The confidence in me is demolishing ,
But there is someone out there,
To me who is still promising.

The care and love in the eyes,
A little smile adorning still gives my hope little butterflies,
Grasious words and feelings which my mind gets even when thinking about him,
Fills my heart with happiness all up to the brim.

And in this world full of meaningless promises,
He has given me the will to love,
To love without condition.

And in this world with no one to listen,
he has given me the will to talk,
To talk without intention.

And in this world full of greed,
He has given me the heart to give,
To give without a reason.

And in this world with no one true,
He has given me the will to care,
To care eithout expectation.

His beauty has enchanted my heart,
The melody of his music,has healed my soul,
His deer shaped eyes, and a face prettier than the bloom,
And even when he is the most natorious one around,
His words makes me feel secure and stand tall,
"You can trust me, I wont let you fall."

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