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Feelings that cannot be defined,
Scenes that cannot be forgotten,
Words that cannot be experessed,
A phase of life which cannot be sorted.

Even if I deeply want to,
no one else can be blamed,
Time can not be fast forwarded,
neither any of the things can be delayed.

Feelings inside me are growing ,
But not of love is the handicap,
The issues of attachment has made me weak,
The little hope left in me is also not helping in cutting the slack.

Once someone told me,red is the color of love,
Of affection and tenderness,
to give someone with everything a person has to serve.

But for me , it has turned itno a nightmare,
The color I now dispise the most even without care,
Dreams of everyone dying over me or telling me the worst thing that can be said,
And even with my eyes closed,
all I see is everything and everyone totally drenched in RED.


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