Chapter -9

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Chapter -9

A week has almost passed since the envoys from Salona set foot on the Credian soil and it was just yesterday evening that the final decision was made regarding the Emperor's proposal.

The envoys have already left.

Returning to their land of origin, leaving their Princess behind in this strange unfamiliar land where everything seemed so strange and new and differed to a great extent from what Lorelei was used to.

Things were gradually starting to settle back to their usual pace.

The festive excitement that shrouded the entirety of the Capital has now calmed down.

People were back to their jobs following their usual daily routine.

It was just that Jean was the only being with no work at hand.

And this he realized today.

'Stay out of the Main Characters' way.

Do your stuff.

Make myself useful for the future.'

These three sentences ran without a stop through his mind.

After a lot of pondering on Jean's part, he had realized one thing for sure, and that is -

Jason never lacked money.

Come to think of it.

Throughout the entire story until the Emperor died Jason not once faced any kind of financial issues.

May it be playing around with women, spending loads of money and going out with his so-called friends, or wearing lavish clothes and leading a rich flamboyant lifestyle, Jason was doing pretty well without the need to worry about making money.

Doesn't the same apply for now?'

Fine then.

Without a second thought, Jean had Robert go pick up Asa from the White Iris.

It took a whole four hours for poor Robert to complete his task without even a second of break.

Asa was shocked too when he was called upon by the old Mama.

When led to meet his friend Rupert he was so delighted he hopped straight into the carriage.

Royal Guard Robert Peterson, tasked with the mission of escorting the fourth prince's close friend did his job very well.

By the end of the day, it was common knowledge that the fourth prince had his bodyguard abduct the adopted son of the Big Mama into the palace.

"You.... didn't your folks warn you against getting into some stranger's car?

Aren't you afraid of getting abducted?!"

Sitting across from Jean Asa spoke,
"What's a 'Car'?"(;・∀・)

Looking at his blank expression Jean painfully kneaded his brows.

"Forget it.

Anyways, how did you recognize us?"

Getting serious about the situation Asa spilled the beans. He told them that he had chanced upon Jason from afar when the latter was fooling around one day.

Though he didn't exactly say this Jean more or less guessed the meaning.

And he also said that the day the trio had visited the Red district Asa could easily tell through their disguises.

"Tehehe...I never would have imagined that the fourth prince would be so concerned for a mere brothel dweller."

Asa's voice sounded like that of a teenager. His hazel eyes were shining with the usual curiousness that a boy his age should have as he scanned through his surroundings.

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