Chapter -10

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Chapter - 10


No matter where one looked it was dark everywhere like a pitch-black void with no way out and empty with no boundaries, one could not possibly see what lays beyond, and in the middle of it all stood a young boy.

No.Not a boy but a youth.

No sounds could be heard from the outside world. It was an entirely different space separating reality. The silence would have been deafening if not for the constant heartbeat resonating throughout this space.

The man stood pinned in his position. His faint breathing and heartbeat were his only companions. His back was soaked in cold sweat and the shirt that was the only thing we wore and his pair of pants almost became one with his skin.

He kept looking. Searching for even the slightest sign, of change, of anything that can assure him that he wasn't alone but all that met his eyes were the never-ending stretches of darkness. He was too scared to take even a step.

His feet are glued to the floor( not sure if you could even call it that).

Suddenly he felt a movement. He looked down. And.

Below his feet, the black tendrils were starting to take shape. He panicked. Tried to pull his legs out of their grasp but in vain.

Completely useless!'

He needs someone. To pull him out of this place that felt so calm, too calm to the point where you won't be able to tell from which direction danger might strike.

It was frightening.

His breathing was ragged and his heart was pounding. Shivers run down his spine and cold sweat flowed down his brows.

But he couldn't move.No matter how hard he struggled, how loud he shouted only the deathly silence answered his desperate calls.

Regarding the topic of having a companion it had to be currently put on hold, because

Right before calling it a night the fourth prince's household received yet another decree (though private).

It clearly stated that since it has already been more than a couple weeks since the marriage the Princesse consorts had to be sent to their maternal households for a visit and pay respects to the parents.

Therefore the entire staff of servants got themselves busy preparing food and other items for their masters' journey.

"Your Highness, remember to cover yourself properly or you might catch a cold. I have prepared some extra blankets with your clothes.

The rest have been arranged according to Your Highness's wishes. You can rest assured."

Sasha, the Head maid reported. She was like a nagging mother even for her young age. With her taking care of everything Jean felt some sense of relief.

Early the next morning a cortège of knights and a few servants made their way through the capital before continuing on the road.

The knights in charge of protecting the prince divided themselves into two groups. The first group was tasked with scouting the road and the surroundings ahead and eliminating any form of dangers or robbers while the second group stayed behind and was responsible for guarding the party and their protection.

The creaking noise of the carriages and wheels rolling by echoed. The sound of horse hooves and accompanying them were the hushed voices of conversations and commands issued by those in charge.

Sounds of fire crackling at the center of the camp mingled with the chattering of its occupants.

Justus stood aside from everyone else, emitting his usual cold aura. Even the one attendant by his side dared not stay close to him and kept fidgeting. He looked like a rabbit. Nervous and scared.Poor guy.

On the other hand, there was no sign of Emile. Probably he was inside his tent doing God knows what. Jean also didn't bother and let them be.

In the meantime, he had other things to look after like keeping track of the number of people, if there were any accidents, or deciding on what route they should be taking.

He went from one place to another inspecting, giving orders and suggestions if needed.

Justus followed the figure of the fourth prince going about the place. He silently watched him from afar.

No one knew what was going on inside that head of his. His attendant even tried calling out to his master not to wander around at night. But that indifferent back of the 'heir of the Grand Duke' made him hesitate. He could only helplessly watch his master walk away.

"We will take this road, the one at the right."Jea pointed his finger at the map that was laid out on the table."It will take longer than the one running through the forest but it's safer."

"I think that's alright too my lord. I will send a few of my subordinates early morning tomorrow to scout out the area. Just to be sure." One of the knight leaders answered before a bow. He had just turned to leave but soon paused in his steps.

Not only him but everyone else present inside the tent stopped and stared at the person that had come in like someone has pressed a pause button.

After a few seconds of 'you look at me I look at you' Jean ordered " Wait for my call. "

Immediately afterwards every single one of these subordinates scurried away as if their tail had caught fire.

"Can I help you?" Only Jean knew how scared he was upon his sudden arrival. But he tried his best to suppress these expressions.

One second

Two seconds

Three seconds

Still no reply.

'The silence is not at all helping ah~[⑇︶﹏︶]'

If gazes could kill Jean would have died a thousand times. But that's not possible, is it?


With a swish that guy had already left but not before glaring at the dumbfounded Jean not giving him a chance to speak.

'Is it possible that unknowingly I somehow offended him?'

The incident confused him so much that he wasn't able to catch a single wink of sleep.

Even the next morning when both happened to come face-to-face Jean was given the cold shoulder after his attempt at striking up a conversation.

The subordinates unable to keep on watching their boss' failed attempt at wooing his wife released sorrowful sighs.

They could only hype him up with their eyes saying-


"Concentrate on your jobs. What are you looking at?
Humph!" Dejected by his failure Jean could only vent his anger at them.

'Why the hell did he have to make these leads so stubborn? They are no better than kids. So childish! '


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