Chapter Three

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"Literature is my Utopia” ― Helen Keller

Pitch Black

After school was over for the day. Ashina and her friends couldn't find any sign of the girls and Ray anywhere.

“ They must have known that we were going to follow them after school ” Ashina said.

“ I don't think so.... ” Chloe said.

“ Ashina is right because while we were still at the cafe I tried to listen to conversation with my sharp hearing but I couldn't hear anything except from murmuring sounds ” Bel said.

“ They must have shield themselves with a strong spell so we wouldn't hear what they are discussing ” Chloe said and groaned angrily “ Arggh I just can't wait to get my hands on that red head who called me a slut ”

“ You would get your chance but for now we have to find a way to off the break the spell from Ray ” Bel said.

“ I still don't get why she would use her spell on Ray...I mean that's not how to get someone to like you or be with you ” Ashina said frowning.

“ I wonder how he would react when he gets his senses back ” Bel said.

“ He would be definitely mad ” Chloe added.

“ How are we going to find Ray and break off the spell. We don't know which way they went and we don't know where he lives, I don't even have his number ” Ashina said.

“ And tommorow is Saturday....” Bel said.

“ Chloe could you do a locator spell and find him ” Ashina asked.

“ Yes but my spell book is home and I need to hold something that belongs to him that's the only way I can find him ” Chloe said.

“ F*ck... How are we going to find anything that belongs to him now ” Bel said in an annoyed tone.

“ That's the problem .....Chloe is there no other way to find him ” Ashina asked and she shook her head.

“ Great.... Witches ??? ” Bel said with a scoff.

“ What ?? Atleast I'm  trying to do something here , what have you done huh ” Chloe said.

“ Excuse you... You haven't done anything yet ” Bel fired back.

“ Okay...okay guys please this is not the time for us to fight ” Ashina said placing her hands on their shoulders “ Let's just find a way of getting something that belongs to Ray ”

“ But how ? ” Chloe said and Ashina try to think of something when an idea suddenly pop inside her head.

“ Hey guys I think I've got an idea ” She said.

“ What ” Bel and Chloe said in sync.

“ His locker. Maybe we could get his book or anything from his locker ”

“ Yeah...Smart thinking Ashina ” Chloesaid and the trio went to Ray's locker to see if they could find anything in there.

“ Shit it's locked ” Bel said.

“ It's no problem ” Chloe said with a mischievous smirk on her face.

“ What ? you've got any idea how to open the....” Bel was cut short by the clicking sound of the lock in the locker. “ Oh I see ” She said.

“ You guys seems to forget that you've got a witch friend here ” Chloe said proudly.

“ And we're so grateful for that so let's just find anything useful in his locker and go ” Ashina said.

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