Chapter Ten

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“You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.” ― C.S. Lewis

At The Last Minute

Dexter had just gotten into his room as the scene of the warriors dragging Ashina away replayed in his mind. He wondered why Jayden was treating his mate that way and he thought that if he find his own human mate he would treasure her and treat her like an egg.

But he still couldn't understand how Ashina ran away from the mansion. Someone must have helped her because he remembered that while he went to check on her and he saw her sleeping he could perceive the scent of another Werewolf in the room.

Only one person has that particular scent.


But she wouldn't dare disobey Jayden and take her out of the mansion knowing what Jayden would do to her and secondly she didn't know about Ashina being Jayden's mate yet...or did she ?

Dexter didn't know why Ashina did not say the truth about the person who had helped her escape and why she chose to be locked up in the basement.

He wondered how she would be feeling now that she was locked up in the basement but he knew that Jayden wouldn't feel a thing but his Wolf would.

He took his bath and was about to climb on his bed to sleep when he heard Jayden mind link him.

[ Dexter get over here now !!! ]

What now ?

He wondered why Jayden was calling him to his room. Was it to release Ashina from the basement ? Or he must be angry that he let Ashina out of his watch but he couldn't blame him that girl was so sturbborn.

He thought she had slept that's why he didn't bother her but who knew that she was planning her escape.

He immediately left his room and ran upstairs where Jayden's room was located. He knocked twice on the door when he heard the Alpha's voice.

“ Come in ”

He got inside the room and found him standing by the window side with both his hands in his pocket and he wondered what must be going in his mind.

“ Yes Alpha you called me ” He said.

“ Didn't I assign you to watch over my mate while I was away with Ryder ” Jayden asked his Gamma in a calm voice without turning around to look at him.

“ Yes Alpha you did ” He answered.

“ Good. Then how is it that she left the mansion without your notice until she got into that forest you know very well is dangerous and filled with rogue Werewolves and wild animals hmm ? ”

“ I don't know Alpha I... ”

“ You don't know ? ” Jayden said and chuckled lightly.

Dexter could count how many times he had seen Jayden smile or laugh as it was very rare to see him smile. He saw Jayden turn around to look at him but he didn't walk to meet him where he stood.

“ You know if I hadn't gotten to her sooner she would have been killed or injured by a rogue Werewolf ” Jayden said and Dexter narrowed his eyes.

“ There was a rogue Werewolf in the forest chasing after her ? ” Dexter asked.

“ Hmm ” Jayden hummed.

“ Alpha I know I failed to keep her within my watch but the last time I checked on her I perceive the scent of a Werewolf in the room before she was taken ” Dexter said.

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