-breaking point-

61 18 12

Her name was kim y/n. She was 18, and very stubborn. Living in the underground's is a hard life, you have to be able to kill or be killed. And my goodness could this young girl fight. She was always in some kinda trouble. Wether it was for stealing food, or for arguing men twice her age, she was always facing some kind of trouble. Yet it never fazed her. Because she was strong, and most definitely confident that she knew she could fight. It was a piece of cake for her... but maybe not for Sasha.

"Not again.." she muttered as she watched Sasha run around like a headless chicken. Her dress stuffed with stolen potato's, making her look laughable as she ran away from the 3 men that were chasing after her. "Imagine she fell.. I'd have to laugh" she was leaned up the side of the wall with her arms crossed watching her run around frantically. She was almost amused until she saw one of the men pull out a knife. "Bastard." Sasha was in some deep shit now, so it was time to get outta there, fast. "Y/n! There you are! Finally, I could use the help!" Sasha shouted to her through a heavy breath, clearly worn out from the weight of the potato's.

"Yeah yeah... you chose to fucking die for a few potato's Sasha! Your insane!" She replied clearly pissed she had to help her out yet again. Her body getting into a fighting stance like it was muscle memory. The 3 men were big. Tall, strong, and full of muscles. Not to forget the one was still holding a knife. The odds weren't looking so good for them. Sasha wasn't so worried now though. She knew y/n could fuck those guys up, but she was still a little guilty for causing her to fight yet again. "I umm.. I owe you one girl!" Sasha said with a guilty look on her face as she tried not to drop any of her potato's. "You think??" Y/n replied with a roll of her eyes as the 3 men approached her. She decided to take the distraction approach.

"Three big strong men.. against one little weak girl? It's a bit unfair and scary! Can't we give the potato's back?" Y/n said raising her hands as to say she didn't wanna fight. "Nuh uh! Fuck you y/n I'm keeping my potato's just kill the bastards and let's go-"


That was the sound of y/n's fist being wrapped around the first guys brain. Sasha immediately got the hint that it was just a distraction now. "Ohh.. damn.." retrieving the knife from the first guy who's body was now laid out like a murder scene in front of the two other guys. She extended the knife towards the two men, her eyes burning into them with a cold stare. "I'll give you the option.. leave now..or die. What will you choose?" The two guys looked at each other before looking back at her with a smirk. "You got lucky with that shot, little girl.." the other guy soon spoke after, stepping a little closer. "Your only delicate~"

Sasha's eyes widened. She knew where this was gonna go. Those guys were fucked. "H-hey y/n.. not for those fucking potato's girl.. chill out-"


A squeal left the guys mouth, she had cut his ear off. Grabbing the guys ear in her hand, she showed it to the other man. "Leave, or I'll make you eat it." Her eyes were burning with rage. "Y/n come on man! Let's just go-" "THAT BASTARD CALLED ME DELICATE?? DELICATE MY ASS!" Out of nowhere she jumped on the guy sending harsh punches to his face.


Surprisingly, that time the sound wasn't from her. They guy whom she had cut his ear off had kicked her body off the guy. She looked up in disbelief, did he really just do that? Sasha ran to her, trying to stop her from going crazy and killing someone. "Leave it!-"she shoved through Sasha and with a quick slash of her knife she stabbed a line down the guys arm, blood pumping out of his limp body. She then turned to the other guy who was about to stand up, throwing her knife harshly into his leg. The men yelped out in pain but she wasn't finished. Now covered in blood of the three men, she grabbed hold of the guys ear she had previously cut off. The guys eyes widened in fear, as she shoved the ear down his throat. her eyes daring the man to spit it out, which he didn't.

𝙇𝙤𝙫𝙚 𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙦𝙪𝙚𝙧𝙨 𝙖𝙡𝙡  || Levi x reader Where stories live. Discover now