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Kaya’s POV.

“She doesn’t look like she had a good morning, Kade.” Kyle speaks as he shifts his attention to me.

“No, I didn’t.” My voice is a whisper, but it holds as much power as I’d like. I’m pained, and seeing these bastards and these cowards before me in a delightful mood makes me realize how really unfair this world is.

How unfair destiny is.

“She speaks.” Kade speaks, and he sits down, his back leaning against the chair.

“She’s angry.” It would have been surprising that Kieran throws Kade an awful gaze, but not in this situation of mine.

“Why am I here?” I ask before a smirk lands on my face. I’m hopeless, and I’ve reached a state where there is really nothing else to lose. I’ve lost my family. I’ve lost the one person I used to call a friend, Melissa, even though she betrayed me as well. And lastly, I lost Aiden, whom I have grown to see as a brother.

Then, I lost my own body to these ruffians’ accord and my flesh—everything for them to control. My mind is the only thing left that’s still fighting, which keeps me immune to their brainwashing.

“Oh, wait, let me guess.” I tilt my head to one side and say, “You called me here to tease me, or perhaps punish me. Or maybe even have sex with me till I’m all sore and unable to walk.”

“Well, that might do.”

“Oh, yes. Should I take off my clothes, or would you rip them off like you have always done? Isn’t that what you’d like? To act like the bastardized cowards that you are!” To be frank with myself, it feels so good to be able to talk so carefree, honestly not caring about the outcome or the cons to come afterward.

There’s a catch there, in Kyle’s face, a grimace and, as well, a look of surprise, his eyelids blankly staring at me with his lips parted.

Kade scoffs, repositioning my focus on him, and he rakes his hands into his hair.

His cheeks are a bit reddened even from this distance between us, “haven’t you quite grown to be vicious, little thing?”

“Do you not think when you push a person to the brink, they retaliate?”

“Except you cannot, dear.” His chuckle is a pain in my hearing, a dagger in my skin, or, more explanatorily, a fragment of glass shattering my skin.

I no longer want to hear any of their voices. All three of them are my worst nightmares.

“I want to make a request.” I talk as though I am not in for their approval.

At the back of my mind, I know I’m still sexually and emotionally attracted to the brothers. The recognition hurts but cannot be helped. It’s like a part of me that I can’t just correct; it’s faulty forever, and the pang is increasing, especially since I have no idea why.

The brothers burst into laughter that swept through the whole room. Kieran sniffles, his finger having swiped past his nostrils. “Tell us. What is it?”

My statement is a lope of words, “I want Aiden’s body to be buried.”

“Oh, is that the name of the boy?” With Kieran’s brows raised, he bites down on an apple.

“If you do that, I may forgive you all.” Again, I don’t know where these words are coming from. I’m just allowing myself a free flow of words, allowing myself to speak from within.

The brothers burst into another fit of laughter but soon came to a halt when my gait moved me towards Kade at the head of the table.

My eyes bear into his, unflickering till I arrive right before him and repeat, “I want Aiden’s body buried.”

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