3: Oh Wow.

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When they arrived on set, Izel saw a middle-aged man rushing towards them with a rolled book in hand, followed closely by a cameraman. The look on his face looked ugly, and he faintly heard some cursing behind the car window.

Jitang opened the car door and stepped out, immediately, the cursing words became more clear.

"Jitang, you bastard! How dare you run off set just like this! Do you know how much time was wasted?! Didn't I tell you an important figure was going to be coming over as well? How dare you give a bad impression to our guests!"

His face was red with anger, and the cameraman behind him did nothing to stop the old man from smacking the younger man on the shoulders. Jitang raised his hands in surrender, giving a helpless smile. "Sorry, sorry. I'll invest an extra 10 million as compensation, alright?"

As fierce and quickly as the old man's anger came, like an ocean washing over hot lava, it cooled instantly. A gentle smile replaced the previously wrinkled face full of anger.

Izel watched this scene and raised his brow.

"You still know how to please an old man like me, good, good. I'll talk to your mother about this!" Still inside the car, Izel burst out into light laughter.

The person finally took notice and bent down slightly to look inside the car. "You must be Izellie, Jitang's younger brother. My, you look familiar, have you ever filmed in some movies before?"

Izel nodded, "You can just call me Izel. I did some acting when I was younger but I quit a long time ago."

"Ah, no wonder you look so familiar. You were the child actor, Kai!" Izel nodded and exited the car. "Well, I was just following Jitang back then."

"Are you planning on reviving your acting career then? I remember that your acting was really good in the films you co-starred." While they started chatting, they headed back towards the set. "But you know, you still have to audition for this part. I can't just give it away that easily."

Izel frowned and everyone noticed. The director furrowed his brows and saw the frown on his face as reluctance to work hard. His expression turned unpleasant, "Don't look so dissatisfied. Reward goes to those who work hard! You can't just lie around and expect people to come to you and hand every good thing you want just cause of a good face, you won't get anywhere in life with that kind of attitude!" As he continued his rant, Izel looked at him in surprise, unaware of what happened for him to suddenly give him a lecture on hard work.

Izel glanced at his brother, who only shook his head with a smile. So he pulled through and listened to his lecture until the man was out of breath.

"Sir, I understand. It's just that Jitang brought me here under pretense. But I'm grateful for any role that I may receive." Jitang rolled up behind him and hung his arms around his shoulder. He looked at the director with a smile. "Director, he isn't my little brother for nothing. He might be a little salted fish but we spoiled into one and he's cuter like this, isn't he!" Izel's cheek was pinched and stretched.

"Plee Shtop hit, Oddor"

(Please stop it, brother)

Izel pushed his brother away, redirecting his attention back to the director, taking a short glance at the camera. The person behind inexplicably flinched when they saw those pair of dark eyes staring straight, subconsciously taking a step back.

Izel did not fail to notice this reaction and the ends of his lips curved into a mocking smile.

Once they arrived at the set, the director took Izel to another room, gave him a short script, and waited for him to start acting. Jitang followed closely behind, despite being waved off.

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