Confrontation With Sera

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Emily's POV:

I felt really motivated after what Lute had said to me the day before, so when I woke up the next day, I was full of confidence!

I quickly brushed my teeth with my golden toothbrush with wings and then flew over to Sera's room a few corridors down. I took a deep breath and then knocked.

It took a few minutes, but then the door opened to see that Sera looked really tired. As she towered over me, I started to worry maybe I couldn't stand up to her, but then I remembered Lute...

Ahhhh Lute, she'll be so proud of me if I do this, and I really want to see her smile for once!

"Good morning, Sera!" I greeted.

"Good morning, Emily..." Sera mumbled in response, her voice sounding croaky and uninterested to see me right now.

"Could we have a chat, please?" I asked.

She thought about it for a few seconds and then gave a disappointing response.

"I'm sorry, but I need to have a meeting with Adam right now," The higher seraphim replied, and shut the door on me.

I sighed and slumped back down the corridor until I remembered Lute again. I was doing this to impress her, I can't just back down now!

I flew back and knocked even harder on her door. She opened it and then I flew up to her level so she would have to look me in the eyes.

"We are going to have that meeting right now!" I yelled, my voice sounding aggressive.

"What has gotten into you today Emily?" Sera asked, now sounding concerned and no longer half-asleep.

"I just... need to talk," I mumbled, looking away from her gaze.

"Okay then, you head to the court and I'll join you there after I reschedule the meeting with Adam to later!" Sera said and put a hand on my shoulder and smiled with sympathy.

I smiled back and the flew away to the court room. I sat down in the exact same spot I was in yesterday and waited a few minutes until I felt a tap on my shoulder, but I could tell it wasn't from Sera.

"Hi!" Lute said, a smile on her face.

"Lute!" I squealed, a smile immediately spreading across my face.

I flew out of my seat and wrapped my arms around her, giving her a tight squeeze. Once I was done, I held her hands and that seemed to make both of us blush.

"What are you doing here?" She asked, still avoiding my gaze with a blush spread all over her cheeks.

"Oh, I'm going to have a meeting with Sera about the extermination!" I replied, "You know, like what I was sad about yesterday!"

"Oh... right..." She mumbled.

There was an awkward silence until I turned to see Sera flying my way. I hugged my best friend one last time and then watched lovingly as she flew off, back to Adam.

"You really have a strong friendship with Lute, don't you?" The higher seraphim said as she sat down beside me.

"Yeah, friendship!" I replied.

For some reason, it doesn't sit right with me that the bond I have with Lute is considered a friendship... I don't know, it just feels like more than that!

"So then, what did you want to talk about with me?" She asked.

"The extermination!" I replied, my tone starting to sound more serious, as that's what the situation is like.

Sera sighed and then took hold of my hands, her smile turning into a frown.

"Emily, if this is about stopping the extermination, I-" The higher seraphim said, but I cut her off before she could cut away my hope.

"We can't just let those poor souls stuck down there suffer!" I argued.

"They are down there for a reason, we are just trying to protect ourselves!" Sera responded.

"They aren't even planning to fight against us though!" I said, "Why do we need to protect ourselves when there is no danger?"

"One of the exorcists was found dead in Hell, one of us!" She announced.

This was a really hard thing to believe after all the lies I've been told by her, but I knew deep down it was true. I cleared my throat and then continued.

"They were attacking them though, there was a reason behind that!" I yelled, "We are plotting and killing them, not the other way round!"

Sera sighed and turned away.

"Emily, I don't have time for this!" She mumbled.

"But I do!" I replied, "Charlie seems like a really nice person, Vaggie did nothing wrong but save a poor soul and Angel Dust fought back against his owner! They all seem so nice and if we can just give them a chance, I think this could work!"

I took hold of her hands and squeezed them tightly, looking into her eyes and smiling hopefully. She sighed and then smiled back.

"Look, I'll talk about this later with Adam and see if I can stop him!" Sera said, "But I don't necessarily have power over him and I can't force him so if it goes wrong, there is nothing I can do!"

"As long as you try, I'll respect you again!" I replied, my eyebrows furrowing with determination that my plan could actually work!

Sera nodded and then gave me a quick hug before flying off. I smiled and flew off too, back to my bedroom.

As soon as I closed the door behind me, I flew around my room and squealed with delight. I was practically bouncing off my walls with excitement until I finally crash landed on my bed, still with a wide grin.

I can't wait to tell Lute about this! She'll be so thrilled, I just know it!

𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐈𝐭 𝐓𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐬 𝐓𝐨 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐜𝐭 𝐘𝐨𝐮 // Emilute //Where stories live. Discover now