Chapter 39: Birthday

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"What are you doing here?" Yazmine and Aiden asked in unison. They both stared at each other afterwards with different thoughts running through their heads.

"I'm here to see someone" She spoke first, breaking the long silence in between them. "What about you? Do you live around here?" She asked.

"I.. yeah, I live around here" He replied. Could she be looking for him?

"I should leave now" She said walking pass him.

"I'll walk with you" He suggested.

"Oh, I'm fine. You shouldn't"

"This street is pretty dangerous at night" He said but she turn away.

"You don't to worry" She said stubbornly, walking down the street. Just then a strange man lurking around the corner suddenly snatch her purse. Yazmine wasn't fast enough to react.

The man ran but had no idea of the figure standing before him. His face was hit, sending him down the floor, a loud groan escaping his lips.

Aiden stepped on the hand holding Yazmine's purse, putting pressure enough to make the man groan again. Yazmine took a deep breath as she watch Aiden take her purse from the man.

"Let go off me!" The man snapped but got a kick on his face in return.

"Scram before I'll kill you" Aiden's warning made the man scurried away.

"Here, I insist to walk with you" He said gently, handing the purse to her.

"Thanks" Yazmine's voice almost broke, but she manage to compose herself. Her sight observe Aiden and she couldn't deny the man's beauty.

Aiden touched his face. "Do I have something on my face?" His question snapped Yazmine back to reality and she scolded herself for staring too much.

"Huh? No" she shook her head and the spoke again. "About how cold I was to you at work. I'm sorry about it" She answered.

"Oh no, it's fine. I honestly understood why you did that. I should be the one sorry here" He smiled, and asked. "Can we start all over?"

"Start what over?" Yazmine eyelashes batted severally.

"I wish to be your friend. That's if it's okay by you. I would be hurt if you say no though" He requested. She stared at him for a while making him wonder if he shouldn't have said that.

"Sure, we can be friends" She replied.

Aiden walked her down the street while discussing about himself. Aiden is the third son of his family, his parents stays out of the country while he lives here alone. He didn't reveal the reason but told her how much he enjoys his stay here even though it seems dangerous.

Yazmine also told him a little about herself and with this, they got to her car in no time.

"It's nice chatting with you Aiden" She smiled.

"It's my pleasure" He replied and watched her entered the car and zoom off.

Candy return to work the next morning, ready to face the curious gaze of the other workers. It made her uncomfortable but she ignored it.

Someone cleared her throat behind her. Without looking back at the person, she knew who it. Slowly, her eyes met with Yazmine intense gaze on hers.

She paused not knowing what to say. Yazmine's face losen up all of a sudden and pouted.

"Gosh Candy" She stepped forward and pulled her for a tight hug. Candy blinked severally.

"You have no idea how that night had scared me and how much I missed you. Please don't scare me like that again" She broke the hug and chuckled. "The president must have taken care of you a lot"

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