Chapter 44: Nightmare

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"I told her to bring her" Yazmine replied instead. "She'll be coming with us to gain some experience" she smirked. Jameson knows what that smirk is.

"Hey!" Jackie suddenly appeared before him and he jerk. "I would love to learn from you new boss!!" she exclaimed bowing her head which almost touch her knees. Jameson stayed stunned.

Einstein chuckled. "I'm loving this"

Candy smile dropped, Diego isn't here with them. She couldn't help but wonder if he is okay. Checking her phone, she saw he haven't replied.

It's been three whole fucking days ever since they left for the trip. On these three days, Diego completely forgot she wasn't home, he would check her room and found it empty. When he realize, he would curse under this breath.

There was no texts or calls from her.. deep down he wants to know how she is.

Staring at his phone, he battled inwardly for a while before dialing Jameson's number.

"Hey dude! It took you long enough, Diego Gonzalez" Jameson's mocking voice sounded.

"Fuck you James" Diego closed his eyes in annoyance. "How is the trip going?" He asked.

"Wrong question bruh"


"You're asking the wrong question dude. Ask the one in your mind" Jameson said.

"Fine" Diego gritted his teeth. "How's Candy?" His voice sounded a bit gentle.

'This is awesome!!' A tiny voice sounded in the background.. obviously Candy's.

"Well. I guess that answers your question" Jameson's voice sounded afterward.

"What? Where are you guys?" Diego frowned.

"At the beach. The business went smoothly like I had plan. So we decided to have some fun out here before coming over"

"It's a business trip not an outing. You all should be back since the business is finished"

"Woo.. woo.. hang on there big fella. This business trip is a week. I worked hard for it, and I can't let you ruin it.. if you're worried about Candy..

"Trust me, she perfectly happy out here. Her smile is so lovely" What Jameson meant was. She is happy out here without you because you always hurt her.

Diego exhaled, gripping his phone tight. He wonder if he should ask the next question.

"I'm not going to send you her pictures" Jameson answered his unspoken question. This guy really knows a lot about him.

"You've got to be kidding me James" Diego clinched his jaw.

"What? Oh my God, does Mr. President want it so badly?"

"I'll kill you"

"Fine, I'll send it" Jameson surrendered. Teasing Diego for long will be a bad idea. The man can fly over and kill him for real.

"I hate you" Diego said.

"I love you to bruh.. kisses" Jameson ended the call.

"I'm really going to kill him" Diego grumbled. Soon, Candy's pictures was sent to him. She was smiling beautifully at every places. While she eats, play, cook and walk around. One of the picture revealed Candy staring at the rain with a smile.

'Kiss in the rain'

Her voice rang in his head. He immediately dialed a number.

"Prepare a flight for me tomorrow"

Meanwhile, Candy and the others returned that same day. Jameson said those words so he could put Diego in a tight spot.

"Are you sure, you want to return home?" Yazmine asked Candy.

"Yeah, I just need to grab some things. I'll call you" Candy said, then entered Jameson's car. Jameson's gaze went to Jackie who wasn't looking at him at all, she was upset. His grip on the stirring wheel tighten.

He started the car and drive Candy to her place.

Yazmine sighed remembering an incident with Aiden during the trip. This incident made him leave early.

"Will he be alright?" She mumbled worriedly.

The car stopped before the large building, Candy got down from the car.

"Hey Candy" Jameson wine down the car window. "Take care" he smiled.

"Thanks" Candy smiled and left.

Jameson took a deep breath as he recall something during the trip. "Fuck, I must be so stupid" He closed his eyes in frustration.

Candy walked into the apartment, it was late, Diego should be at home. Nervousness kicked it as the thought of facing the man that hurt her feelings clouded her mind. He never called nor texted her in three days, isn't he worried about her?

Opening the door, she found the living room surprisingly empty. He must be sleeping already. That better. She would just grab the things she came for and leave next morning. With this thought, she went upstairs.

However, as she reached her room, she heard a strange sound. A sound of someone panting hard, like he was in pain.


Without thinking twice, she slammed the door opened. The view before her made her heart skip a beat.

Diego was seated on the floor, his face squeezing with pain under the dim light. He wasn't putting on any shirt, she could see sweats all over him while the AC was on. He had his hair messy with his head facing ground, his chest heaving so hard.

"Sir" She rushed to kneel before him. He was still panting hard without looking up at her.

"Sir" She called again, holding his hand but no reply. He kept on panting.

"Diego" She called softly, this time touching his face. This is the first time she'll call his name directly.

Ever slowly, Diego lifted his head to her. Candy's heart shattered seeing his face.


Tears streamed down his face, his eyes bloodshot from prolonged crying. He was a complete mess. Candy could never have imagined seeing him in such a state.

He stared at her, wondering if he wasn't seeing things. "Candy?" He voice dripping with pains, as he managed to speak.

"Yeah, it's me.. Wh.. what happened?" She stuttered as fear gripped her.

"Night.. mares" His word came out hard.

Candy was speechless. Since when did he start having nightmares? She didn't know when her eyes teared up seeing him this way.

He lifted his hand slowly to hold her hand on his face, relief washed over his face. She was really here.

"It's...nightmares.. Cand..." He couldn't finish his sentence before the woman pulled him close, enveloping him in a warm and soothing hug. It was exactly what he needed in that moment, a comforting embrace that spoke more than words ever could.

He shut his eyes in her embrace as she pat his back gently whilst caressing his hair with her second hand. The weight of his unspoken troubles momentarily lifted.

"It's alright.. everything will be alright" She whispered as Diego slowly fall asleep in her arms...

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