One Hell Of A Day At LuLu World

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As the group waits at the train station, their excitement palpable in the air, they spot Angel Dust dashing towards them with his beloved pig, FatNuggt, cradled in his arms. Vaggie's annoyance is evident as she shoots Angel a stern glare, her arms crossed in frustration.

Vaggie: "Angel, you made us wait just for that pig? We could have missed the train!"

Angel Dust skids to a halt, a sheepish grin spreading across his face as he holds up FatNuggt for all to see.

Angel Dust: "Hey, I don't trust leaving FatNuggt alone with Alastor after what happened last time. I swear, that demon tried to eat him!"

Y/N stifles a laugh at the mention of Alastor's antics, while Charlie giggles at the sight of FatNuggt's squirming form.

Charlie: "Aw, look at him! He's such a cutie! Well, as long as FatNuggt is safe, that's all that matters. Right, Y/N?"

Y/N nods in agreement, his gaze softening as he looks at Angel and his pig.

Y/N: "Yeah, it's always important to look out for our friends, no matter how... unconventional they may be."

Despite her frustration, Vaggie can't help but soften at the sight of FatNuggt, her expression softening as she reaches out to pet the pig's snout.

Vaggie: "Fine, but next time, don't make us wait. We have a train to catch, remember?"

Angel Dust nods earnestly, his eyes wide with sincerity as he assures Vaggie of his cooperation.

Angel Dust: "Got it, Vaggie. I promise no more delays. Let's get going before we miss our ride!"

Their conversation is interrupted by the rumbling of the earth beneath them, signaling the arrival of their mode of transportation. From the billowing smoke emerges a colossal demon train, its imposing presence sending a thrill of excitement through the group.

Y/N's confusion is evident as he looks upon the monstrous locomotive, but Charlie, always quick to provide an explanation, steps forward to clarify

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Y/N's confusion is evident as he looks upon the monstrous locomotive, but Charlie, always quick to provide an explanation, steps forward to clarify.

Charlie: "That's our ride, Y/N. The demon train will take us out of town and straight to LuLu World."

Y/N nods, beginning to grasp the situation, though still somewhat taken aback by the sight before him. Meanwhile, Angel Dust and Sir Pentious can hardly contain their excitement, their eyes sparkling with anticipation.

Angel Dust: "This is gonna be so much fun! I've never left Pentagram City before!"

Sir Pentious: "Indeed! A journey on a demon train, what a delightful adventure!"

Vaggie, however, seems less enthused, her arms crossed and a skeptical expression on her face.

Vaggie: "I still don't understand why we couldn't just take a regular train like normal people."

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