
487 13 51

TW: Smut

March 16th

A week later and the trip was over. Chuuya hated the entire trip and wanted to get back to Yokohama as quickly as possible to Dazai.

When they landed in Yokohama airport, it was 8am. Chuuya was tired. He was picked up by Kouyou and she dropped him off at his dorm.

~The night~

Dazai woke up feeling pain thru his body, feeling tired. He woke up from hearing yelling downstairs when he saw oda walk into his bedroom.

"Oda? YOUR ALIVE" Dazai said with pure happiness.

"Dazai lets go" Oda said and Dazai nodded and followed oda.


Odasaku walked up to Mori and punched him straight in the face.

"Theres a reason why i took him away from you, remember if you contact the police, ill link them your history" Oda said with narrowed eyes and grabbed dazai and walked out.

Ango was in a car waiting for them, as they got in the car, Oda and Dazai were sitting at the back sit, Oda was cleaning dazais arm from last night, cleaning it and bandaging so it doesn't get effected.

"You alright kid" Oda asked.

"Yeah I'm ok. But what about you?" Dazai said.

"Don't worry about me, nothing can kill me" Oda said giving dazai smile.


When Chuuya walked into his doorm he saw oda on the couch.

"Oda? Glad your ok." Chuuya said as he closed the door.

"Chuuya, welcome home, don't worry about Dazai. Hes asleep in his room" Oda said.

"What happened, we called and his phone disconnected" Chuuya said.

"His father beaten him up rough, so i took him out as soon as i woke up" Oda said.

"Fucking hell" Chuuya said rubbing his eyes.

"I have to go now, take care" Oda said leaving.

Chuuya waved goodbye and he started putting away his clothes from the trip. After that he made himself a coffee and sat on the couch.

Later Chuuya heard dazai door open and Dazai walked out slowly.

"Dazai" Chuuya said standing up.

The brunette walked to Chuuya and and brought the ginger in a hug. Chuuya didn't hesitate and hugged dazai back. It was a comfortable silence between the two, it was like time had stop and it was only them two together.

"Im sorry i left like that" Dazai said.

"Don't be, im glad your alive, are you ok?" Chuuya asked sitting dazai down on the couch.

"Little sore around my body, but otherwise im ok." Dazai said with a smile.

"Thats good"

"How was the rest off the trip in bulgaria" Dazai asked.

"Boring, I stayed in the hotel room the entire time, worrying about your ass" Chuuya said sounding like he was complaining.

"Awww~ was chibi that worried" Dazai said with a smile.

"You're an asshole, by the way, Kunikida-san has your luggage. You need to get it at tomorrow at 8:30am o'clock" Chuuya said.

"Alright i will totally be late on purpose" Dazai said with a giggle.

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