Double Black

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A few years have gone by. Chuuya and Dazai both graduated college and both futures were set for becoming future detectives. After years off being in the police academy, being cops. They both made it to be successful detectives.

After college they both moved in together in an apartment calling it their home. Elise was now a teenager off to highschool. She was still living with the her old baby sister and she grew close to her and started calling her mom. She visit dazai and chuuya on the weekends and stay over.

Dazai and Chuuya were partners in their work. Them working together so well everyone gave them a nick name. Double black. Ranpo was a detective working in the same precinct so they saw ranpo alot and hang out with ranpo and poe who recently got married.

It was a peaceful evening both at home after a long day off work.

"OI OSAMU" Chuuya yelled.

"Yeeeessss~" Dazai singsonged.

"Where the fuck did you put the files on this case" Chuuya said.

"Uhhh i think its in the drawer I dont know" Dazai said.

Chuuya sighed and went to look for the file.

"So when you two getting married. HOW LONG DO I HAVE TO WAIT TO GIVE MY SPEECH ON GETTING YOU HOMOS TOGETHER" Verlaine said.

"Verlaine shut up" Chuuya said.

"Im just saying. You two already fight like a ild married couple" Verlaine said

Dazai laughed and Chuuya was throwing something at Verlaine head.

After another few years, Dazai and Chuuya were successful. Their relationship was still going strong. They both were together everyday, taking care off each others insecurities, problems and communicating. Dazai self harm and suicide thoughs calmed down with help from Chuuya.
One night, Chuuya was getting back from work late at night. He didn't know where Dazai disappeared to.

When he entered the apartment and tried to look for dazai, he wasn't there. He felt a bit confused and worried till he got a text message from the marckel saying to come to a park. Chuuya was confused but grabbed his coat and hat and left to go to the park. When he got to the park it was already 9pm at night. He entered the area with cherry blossom trees and saw Dazai sitting on a bench.

"So this where you were all day?" Chuuya said approaching dazai.

"No i was doing something else" Dazai said standing up.

"Then what you were doing?" Chuuya said with a raised eyebrow.

"Trying to find theses" Dazai said taking out a small box and opening it and inside were two rings black and black.

"Wait" Chuuya said with a gasp.

"Chuuya Nakahara. I love you with everything i got. Im so happy i have you in my life. You are my everything, my future, my life just everything basically" Dazai said taking Chuuyas hand.

"So would you do me a favor and-"

"Yes" Chuuya said cutting off Dazai.

"As I was saying. Will you-"

"Yes" Chuuya said against cutting off Dazai.

"Will you-"

"Oh for fuck sake. YES" Chuuya said pulling dazai in for a kiss.

"You know I was gonna ask if you would be my Best friend for life" Dazai said disconnecting the kiss.

"Screw you bitch im marrying your ass not in a platonic way" Chuuya said

"I love you"

"I love you too Osamu"

6 months later they official got married. At the wedding party everyone was having a blast. Till Verlaine clicked his glass with a fork to turn everyone attention on him.

"I would like to make a toast to double black. You know they would have never gotten together if it wasn't for the amazing me" Verlaine said in cocky voice.

"GET ON WITH IT" Elise shouted.

"SHUT IT KID" Verlaine shouted back.


"WHY YOU-" Verlaine was about to chase Elise till Kouyou grabbed him and sat him down.

"To Dazai and Chuuya. My two amazing boys finally being happy. Im so happy for the both off you"

"TO DOUBLE BLACK" Everyone cheered raising their glasses.

"Thank you mom" Chuuya said.

"NOW KISS KISS KISS KISS KISS KISSSSS" Atushi started to chant.

Everyone joined in till dazai stood up and Chuuya both connected their lips in a soft kiss. Everyone cheered and continued to have fun.

20 amazing years together have passed. Dazai and Chuuya life has been amazing everyday. They were both old and retired.

April 6th the day they both got together. Their 20 year anniversary. For celebration they went out had a fancy dinner and a walk in the park hand in hand. They both were at a bridge admiring the sunset together.

"Chuuya i love you" Dazai said hugging Chuuya from behind.

"Shut up idiot" Chuuya said.

"Why are always mean too meeee" Dazai complained.

"Because your a idiot" Chuuya said.

"And you are still short" Dazai said.

"Fuck you"

"I love you too"

"I love you more"

"Nuhuh i do"


"I love you more tho" Dazai said with a smile.

"And i love you more too" Chuuya said with a smile too.

They both kissed at the sunset and enjoyed the calming breeze. Hugging each other enjoying each others love. It was so perfect.

April 6th at 7pm. Chuuya Nakahara and Osamu Dazai both died together. They died in each others arms, died in the love they feel for each other. Double black ended in a beautiful end, with each other. They left the world together.

After years. Elise was a adult, have kids of her own. And told them the story off her brother and his husband. She wrote a book about it and called it. Double Black. The book selled millions.

Elise was at a blossom tree forrest and walked up to two graves and planted flowers on the both.

"I miss you two so much. And i will never forget your love you had for each other." Elise said at Dazais and Chuuyas graves.

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