Part 12

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It has been a couple of weeks since the group has started working on the motorcycles, well, since Jacob has started working on the motorcycles. Jacob and Adeline have been having a great time. Bella not so much. Bella can't help but roll her eyes everything she sees Jacob and Adeline touching each other no matter if it's holding hands, Jacob laying his hand on Adelines thighs, or even when they accidentally brush each other's arms. Jacob has been happily ignoring Bella almost every time she talks, he only feels slightly guilty when Adeline pinches his side because she doesn't want to talk to Bella either and she's too nice for no one to respond to Bella. 


The three of them were done for the day, so Jacob was walking the girls, buy mostly Adeline, to their truck. Jacob looks over at Adeline. "Quil has been asking to come over. I think he likes you a little too much." 

Adeline nudges Jacob with a smirk. "Why? You jealo-"

But, of course, Adeline was cut off by the one and only Bella Swan. "I'm not really into the whole cougar thing," Bella side-eyes Adeline. "Like some people." 

Adeline doesn't look at her sister and keeps her eyes on Jacob. Adeline gently traces Jacob's jaw and smirks when she sees him shiver at her touch. "Hmm, I guess it depends on the type of people then." 

Jacob gulps and nods his head. "Y-yeah." Jacob clears his throat. "What's up with you and age?" Jacob asks Bella but doesn't take his eyes off of Adeline. "I mean how old was that Cullen guy anyway?" 

Bella's jaws tenses. "He's old enough for us to at least be in the same grade." Bella glares at Adeline and Jacob before getting into the driver's seat and slamming the truck door. 

Adeline sighs and looks at Jacob. "I should get in before she leaves me here." 

Jacob smiles down at her. "Would that be a bad thing?"

Adeline smiles back at him and goes on her toes to easily kiss his cheek. Adeline doesn't move too far away after she kisses his cheek before she smirks and leans closer to him. She kisses the corner of his mouth and giggles when his face grows red. "Goodnight, puppy." 

Before Jacob can find his voice Adeline moves back and gets into the truck and as soon as she is in the truck Bella drives off. 

Her Puppy J.B.Where stories live. Discover now