Part 21

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Adeline sat on Jacob watching him pace back and forth in his room trying to control his anger. "Jacob?"

Jacob hummed in acknowledgement but didn't stop pacing. 

Adeline took a deep breath and thought this might not be the right time but she didn't want to keep the truth from him anymore. "How do you know Cullens are vampires?"

Jacob froze and slowly turned to Adeline. "What did you say?" 

"How. Did you. Know that. The Cullens. Are vampires?" Adeline said everything slowly. 

Jacob stammered his words trying to say something but not knowing exactly what. "How do you know that?"

Adeline smiled softly. "You told me." At Jacob's confused look she chuckled. "I mean, I already knew that vampires were here, I didn't know who, till you called the Cullens bloodsuckers. Which show that you don't like them, which is slightly weird considering that you told me that you never really meet them." Adeline starts to ramble as she puts all the pieces together. "Unless that would have to do with the change you have recently. Vampires and werewolves don't get along. And Deaton also told me that their was a pack down here but he never said of what because Scott needed help, and that-that smell!" Adeline jumps from the bed and Jacob doesn't have any idea what to think at the moment. "When I first came it smelled like dog, it still does, but that's not the point, but Scott also smells like that, and so does Derek. This makes so much sense I can't believe I missed it. Well, I wasn't trying to figure it out because I wanted you to tell me, which I just ruined by figuring it out now. I'm just going to stop talking now."

Jacob is looking at Adeline with his mouth open, not understanding what just happened. "What?"

Adeline chuckles. "I know your a werewolf silly." 

"And... and your not scared?"

Adeline playfully scoffs as she warps her arms around his neck. "Please, I don't scare easy. Plus, now this means you can play with the big boys." Adeline kissed the corner of his mouth. 

Jacob blushes a red. "What does that mean?" 

Adeline winks at him as she pulls away from him. "I'll show you." Adeline grabs his hand and pulls him out of his room and out of his house while Jacob follows behind her like a lost puppy. 

When their outside Adeline pulls into the woods to where no one will see them. "Adelien what are we doing."  Adeline smirks and winks at him as she starts taking her shirt off. Jacob eyes go wide and stands still for a moment before he blushes a deep red and turns around. "Holy shit." He mutters. "A-adeline, w-hat are you doing." 

Adeline laughs as she takes off her pants and undergarments. She doesn't say anything before she shifts. "Adeline?" Jacob gets a little worried when he hears no response. 

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