Chapter 5 - The Change

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The birthday was pretty uneventful to Sora. She brought a present for Naruto with her. When Kushina saw it, she said "You can put your present for Kinato or Natsumi next to that table over there," "Oh, Uzumaki-sama, this present is for Naruto." Kushina frowned. "Well that's a little unfair, isn't it? You got one for Naruto and not for Kinato and Natsumi?" Sora looked at her dumbfounded. Kushina had failed to notice the mountain of presents next to the table for Kinato and Natsumi. Sora figured she was the only person that brought a gift for Naruto "Ok... um, where's Naruto?" "Oh he's upstairs." Sora nodded and raced up the stairs.

There was a hallway with a bunch of doors. Sora didn't know which one was Naruto's room, but before she could have chosen randomly, Naruto opened his door and peeked his head out. "Oh, hi Sora! You can leave your present for Kinato or Natsumi downstairs next to the table." Sora just looked at him weirdly. "This present is for you, idiot." Naruto snorted, "Haha funny joke. There's a big pile where you can put it. You won't miss it." Sora pushed herself into his room and sat on the bed. "Did you seriously think I'd give someone a gift if I don't even know them?" Naruto was a little shocked because that was exactly what he thought. "I mean, yeah. The whole villlage gives presents to them." "I know you're a genius and all, but when it comes to anything social you're pretty stupid." Naruto looked a little crestfallen.

During Sora's time at the birthday, she was completely shocked. She knew Naruto was ignored but she used to think Naruto was just exaggerating. Now she knew that what Naruto said wasn't an exaggeration. It was an understatement. Not one person said happy birthday to Naruto. They didn't even acknowledge him. They all just focused their attentions on Kinato and Natsumi. Naruto and Sora were both in Naruto's room laughing a joking together. Sora grabbed her present and put it in Naruto's arms. "Open it." she instructed. Naruto did as he was told and let out a small gasp. It was a small orange scarf. When Naruto took it out, he had a massive grin on his face. "Thank you so much!" As he grabbed Sora in a hug. Sora wasn't expecting it but hugged him back.

Time Skip - 2 hours after the party ends

Sora was walking back to the Uchiha compound. She was about the enter her house, but she noticed a flash of light in the forest behind her house. Her curiosity got the best of her, and she ran into the forest. What she saw was a horrifying scene. Her brother, Itachi was fighting a man with pale skin. He was wearing a black cloak with many red clouds. The man had flowing black hair. the most striking feature of him were his eyes. He had red eyes with black pinwheel like designs. The man was holding a red and white fan like tool. "ITACHI!" Itachi looked over to Sora. "Get out of here right now or you're going to die! Run away please!" Sora was frozen in fear. She was just staring from the unknown man to Itachi. The man laughed a deep and raspy laugh. "I would follow your brother's advice, little girl. This is not your fight." as he rushed towards Itachi, a reddish orange glow formed around him. The glow expanded into the shape of a skeletal figure. The man grinned when he saw this. "Susanoo is not going to save you, Itachi!" as he brought his arm up. His hand had a seal on it, and the seal started sucking up the ethereal skeleton. Itachi widened his eyes. "Impossible! The defense of Susanoo is absolute!" The unknown man only widened his grin.

Sora was still frozen in fear and shock. "NO! STOP! YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO ITACHI!" "You should have listened to your brother. Get away from here little girl. Itachi cannot do anything against my power." Sora was completely destroyed. Itachi was Sora's most important person. He was the person that took care of her. Her father ignored her, and her mother was a very busy person. Sasuke didn't even acknowledge her. As the last of the red skeletal figure was absorbed, the man pulled out a small blade and stabbed Itachi right through the heart. Itach coughed up blood, and fell to the ground. Sora was shocked when she saw Itachi smiling. He shakily performed a hand sign. He flickered to where Sora was. He then placed a scroll over his eyes and used the blood from his stab wound to draw on a seal. He slowly grabbed the scroll and held it to Sora. "T-t-ta-take..." Sora unconsciously took the scroll and pocketed it. She suddenly snapped back to reality. She looked to the man, who had a scowl on his face. "YOU.... I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" The man smirked as Sora ran to him with a kunai in her hand. She was about to stab him before he suddenly sunk into the ground.

Sora just fell to the ground. The one person who made time to spend with her, and took care of her, died. She vowed to destroy the man that had killed Itachi. She fainted on the ground. It wasn't until the next morning that someone had found her. They took her to Fugaku. Fugaku just blankly took her. He carried her to her room and put her on her bed and promptly left. On Itachi's funeral, Sora was sobbing the whole time. Fugaku mourned for the death of his first born, but on the inside he was a little bit relieved. He was scared of Itachi. Him and Itachi did not agree on many things and Fugaku knew Itachi was a lot more powerful then him. Fugaku was now relieved that Itachi was gone. He was a thorn to his side. He influenced many Uchiha because of his power. Fugaku did not want the Uchiha to become soft. They were a clan of great potential and power! Itachi would only make the Uchiha soft and weak! Obviously Fugaku did not show his true feeling on his death. Mikoto, similar to her daughter, was destroyed. She didn't show it, but on the inside, she was silently weeping. Sasuke was indifferent. His father had instructed Sasuke to not be like Itachi. Also Itachi was brutally honest with him. If his shuriken throwing sucked, then Itachi would tell him that it sucked.

But there was also a second side to Sasuke. His brother always loved him. He still took care of Sasuke, even if Sasuke didn't want it. The rest of the Uchiha were all mourning the death of such a powerful member of the clan. Itachi had died protecting the village. It was an honorable death. It was the way a ninja dies. In battle, honorably. Sora chose to keep the scroll she got from Itachi a secret. She figured the people of her clan would want to get their hands on Itachi's eyes. Itachi was known for his extremely powerful eyes. She thought that her father or some other power hungry clan member would have tried to take the eyes if they knew she had them.

The Next Day

Naruto had heard what had happened to Itachi Uchiha. He knew that Sora would be extremely sad about what happened. Naruto figured she wouldn't be at the training ground. He decided that he would pay her a visit. He ran towards the Uchiha compound. He knocked on Sora's house door. Mikoto answered the door. "Oh, hello Naruto. Are you here to see Sora?" Naruto noticed that her eyes were watery, indicating she was crying before this. "Yes, I would like to talk to her, Mikoto-obasan." Mikoto had a small smile. "Ok, I will get her. You can wait here for a bit." Naruto nodded. A minute later, a disheveled Sora walked down the stairs. Mikoto went back into the kitchen. "Hi Sora! Look, I heard what happened to your brother. Are you alright?" She glared, "What does it look like, idiot. I saw my brother murdered right in front of me." Naruto knew how she felt. His older brother figure, Korumo Hyuga died in front of him to protect him. The situations were very similar. Naruto felt like he shouldn't bring that up right in front of her. "Well I'm sorry for what happened. If you need anything you can always ask." He said that last part with a small smile. Sora just glared at Naruto. "Get away from here you idiot! Stop giving my pity! It's not like you would understand." Naruto just frowned, because he did understand.

Maybe Korumo and Naruto weren't as close as Sora and Itachi, but to Naruto, Korumo was an older brother figure to him. He had a very close connection to him. Naruto just turned around and started walking away. "Well if you do need anything, I'm always going to be at the training grounds. When Naruto went through the exit. Sora's eyes suddenly began to burn. Sora grabbed her face in pain. When the pain stopped, she went back into the house, and when she went to the bathroom, she noticed something about her eyes. There was a third tomoe in both eyes. She had a slight smile before deactivating her Sharingan.

While Naruto was heading back to the training ground, he couldn't help but feel sad. Why had Sora pushed him off so quickly? She was glaring at him as if he was the one that killed Itachi. Did she blame him for the death of Itachi? Naruto's mind was full of theories and possibilities. He shook his head to make him try to forget the thoughts. He hoped Sora would be back to normal soon. She was his second friend ever, and he didn't want to lose her as well.


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