Chapter 9 - Genin Bound

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THANK YOU ALL FOR 1000 VIEWS! Let me know if you guys want me to add anything to the story, or if you have any suggestions.

Two year timeskip, Naruto is 12.

Naruto, for the first time in a while, was excited. He was about to become a Genin. This meant that he would start making money, and would be able to relinquish the Namikaze name. He would be Naruto Uzumaki from there on. He'd rather use his mother's name, as over the years, Kushina had acknowledged him more, and was actually attentive towards him. She was someone he could call family, unlike his siblings and father. His siblings were still the obnoxious, big-headed, dumbasses that they had always been. His father, if anything, had gotten even worse. Naruto knew that it was because the prophecy that the Sannin, Jiraiya had told the family. Well, the family as in Minato, Kushina, Natsumi, and Kinato. Naruto wasn't invited to family meetings like this, though he always found a way to eavesdrop on their conversations.


Jiraiya had come to the Namikaze household to let the family know of a prophecy that the great sage toad, Gamamaru had spoken. Jiraiya had always been in and out of the village. He had to maintain his spy network outside of the village, and had to do his 'research' inside the village. "Minato. We need to talk about a prophecy that the great sage toad spoke of. I would recommend gathering your family for this. Minato nodded "Kushina! Natsumi! Kinato! Come down, Jiraiya would like to talk to you all!" Kinato and Natsumi ran downstairs, and Kushina walked down following them. "Pervy Sage!" they both yelled. Kinato and Natsumi ran to Jiraiya and gave him a big hug. "Hey brats! We gotta talk about something so make sure you listen well." Kushina looked at Minato and frowned. "Are you not going to call Naruto?" Minato scoffed, "If it's a prophecy, it would have nothing to do with him. There would be no reason for him to hear the prophecy."

Naruto was watching the whole ordeal and his heart fell. His father didn't even find him important enough to listen to a prophecy, while his siblings were. Even if he shunned his family, it still hurt seeing them not include them. At least his mother asked for Naruto to be there. Not even Jiraiya didn't care if he was there. He saw the group go into the living room and take seats around the table. Naruto had already created a shadow clone, and disguised it as a book on the bookshelf.

Jiraiya cleared his throat. "Alright, I'm just going to cut to the chase. Your two kids here are really special." Minato puffed his chest out a bit after hearing that. Of course his kids were special! "Well not just special, but one of them is child of prophecy. That's why I think we should train them a lot more then we would normally. I'll tell you the prophecy and what I think it means.

"The child of a leader of the leaves,
with power of the sage,
will bring change throughout the world,
though in two different ways,
if they are sent the right direction,
the world will be brought to peace,
if not, the opposite is true,
the world will be razed,
and what is left will be the remnants"

"Alright. I'm sure the child in question is either Kinato or Natsumi. The power of the sage is probably sage mode, which I can teach them. We would want them to be sent the right direction, and I'm guessing the way we do that is if we prioritize their training. I could teach them the basics of senjutsu, and you guys can teach them a variety of skills. Also they should learn how to make use of the Kyuubi's chakra. It will be very useful in the future." Minato spoke up. "Your right. I'm sure one of them is the child of prophecy. We should also get Tsunade to train them as well. That seal on her forehead, and her crazy strength should be useful for the two. Also medical ninjutsu is always going to be useful for anyone." Kushina replied, "I agree. We should train them, but we shouldn't overburden them. If that happens they could go with the 'other direction'. Ya know?" The adults were thrown off by them hearing Kinato and Natsumi parading around the house chanting, "I'm special!" They laughed at the kids' antics. Naruto's clone dispersed, and the original Naruto gained its memories.

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