Chapter 20: The Shaoshi Sword

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The next day,

Fang Duobing arrived at the Baichuan Academy, his steps quick with determination. As he entered the records room, he scanned the shelves filled with ancient scrolls and texts, hoping to find some clue that could help them.

Meanwhile, Li Lianhua sat with the monk at Pudu Temple, engaging in a quiet conversation.

The monk of Pudu Temple gently held Li Lianhua's wrist, his fingers feeling for the pulse. As he sensed the weakened rhythm, his expression turned grave.

"Young man," the monk began, his voice tinged with concern, "your condition is dire. If you do not take action soon, you may not survive much longer."

Li Lianhua sighed, his brows furrowing with worry. "I appreciate your concern, venerable monk, but my friend is in urgent need of help as well. He was given a potent elixir that we must nullify."

The monk nodded, understanding Li Lianhua's dilemma. "I understand, but your own health cannot be ignored. There is a rare flower known as the yin flower, rumored to possess healing properties that may aid in your recovery. It is said to bloom in the depths of the Eastern Forest, a treacherous place filled with dangers. But if you are determined to find it, I can offer you guidance."

Li Lianhua offered the monk a serene smile, his eyes reflecting a quiet resolve. "I have lived a full life, and I have no regrets. If my time has indeed come, then I would rather face it with acceptance and peace."

"Has anything occurred at Baichuan Court?" Li Lianhua inquires.

"A new sword has recently arrived, prompting invitations to all friends of the Sigu Sect for a Sword-Appreciation Ceremony. This sword happens to be your former personal blade, the Shaoshi Sword. Do you not think it's time for it to return to its rightful owner?"

"This renowned sword will surely find a worthy wielder," Li Lianhua remarks with a sigh.

"Let's put others aside for a moment. Miss Qiao is also present at Baichuan Court. Despite all these years, she has steadfastly refused to believe your demise. She eagerly awaits your return, yet you persist in remaining absent. Is there not a desire within you to alleviate her suffering?"

However, Li Lianhua firmly declines, asserting that the past should remain in the past. Madam Qian has moved on and married the new leader, and he has no intention of disrupting her current life.

"Will you now address my inquiry?" Li Lianhua presses, having grown weary of the monk's attempts to persuade him.

"So, you seek to undo the effects of an elixir," the monk observed, his voice calm and serene.

"Yes, that's right," Li Lianhua replied earnestly. "My friend was given a potion that we need to nullify. It's causing him a lot of trouble."

"There is one individual who may possess the knowledge you seek," he began, his voice tinged with reverence. "His name is Yu Louchun, an expert in the craft of remedying potent elixirs. However, locating him is like finding a needle in a haystack."

Li Lianhua's heart sank at the daunting prospect. "How can I find this Yu Louchun if his whereabouts are unknown?"

The monk's expression grew solemn. "Those who have encountered him speak of being invited by the man himself. He selects his visitors with great care, and once they meet him, they are sworn to secrecy regarding the location of his dwelling."

Li Lianhua's mind raced with possibilities, the challenge ahead weighing heavily on him. "It seems I have quite the task ahead of me," he remarked, his voice tinged with determination.

The monk nodded, his gaze unwavering. "May the spirits guide you on your journey, Li Xiangyi. If anyone can find Yu Louchun, it is you."

As Li Lianhua donned his mask and stepped into Baichuan Court, he found himself face to face with Madam Qian. A sense of familiarity washed over her, as if Li Xiangyi himself were approaching. Though she gazed upon him, she soon recognized that it was someone else, yet her heart insisted that it was Li Xiangyi concealed behind Li Lianhua's visage. Offering a polite greeting, Li Lianhua passed by her, leaving Qian to watch him intently as he departed.

As the courtyard bustled with activity, Fang Duobing stood among the crowd and spotted Li Lianhua wearing a mask.

"What's with the mask?" Fang Duobing inquired.

"Nothing much," Li Lianhua replied casually. "I just prefer to keep a low profile as the miracle doctor."

Chuckling, Fang Duobing interjected, "Ah, I see. Well, come with me. I have something special to show you." He reached out and grasped Li Lianhua's hand, leading him away from the crowd.

Entering a special room within Baichuan Court, Fang Duobing gestured towards a grand portrait adorning the wall. "Allow me to introduce someone to you. This is my master, Li Xiangyi."

With a mischievous twinkle in his eye, Fang Duobing eagerly reached out his hand towards Li Lianhua, a hopeful grin spreading across his face. "Candy!" he exclaimed, his voice brimming with excitement.

Li Lianhua sighed but couldn't help but smile, "Alright, alright," he relented, handing over the candy with a playful roll of his eyes.

Grinning from ear to ear, Fang Duobing accepted the candy with exaggerated solemnity, as if receiving a royal decree. "Thank you, good sir," he intoned dramatically, before turning to the portrait of Li Xiangyi with a flourish.

Placing the candy before the painted likeness, Fang Duobing bowed deeply, his movements exaggerated and theatrical. "Behold, Master Li," he announced with mock formality, "a token of  my everlasting devotion.."

"Every time I visit, I bring him some candy. To the world, he's the esteemed sect leader of Sigu Sect, Li Xiangyi. Many rely on him, many challenge him. But few truly know his quirks. Let me share a secret with you. I've witnessed him sneak away just to indulge in candy. Who would have imagined that the renowned martial artist Li Xiangyi could find such joy in something so simple?" 

Fang Duobing's heartfelt words resonated in the room, and Li Lianhua couldn't help but be moved by the depth of respect and care Fang Duobing held for his master. Despite the tears welling in his eyes, Li Lianhua managed a smile, touched by Fang Duobing's sincerity and devotion.

To be continued...

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