Chapter 35: Fei kidnaps Fang Duobing

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Rumors spread like wildfire, the bombshell dropped: Li Lianhua was, in fact, Li Xiangyi, and he was battling the deadly Bicha Poison. Wan Mian, steadfast in her loyalty, made a bold move. She chose to break off her engagement with Mr. Xiao and stand by Li Xiangyi's side.

As Li Lianhua and Fang Duobing arrived at his home, they were met by Wan Mian and influential figures from the Baichuan Court. The offer to reinstate Li Lianhua as the Sigu Sect leader was on the table, but Li Lianhua declined, prompting a heartfelt exchange.

Wan Mian, her eyes filled with concern, implored, "Li Xiangyi, please reconsider. You don't have to face this alone. Let us help you."

Li Lianhua, his expression somber yet resolute, responded, "Thank you, Wan Mian, but I must find my own path. I cannot burden others with my troubles."

Fang Duobing, observing the exchange, interjected softly, "Li Xiangyi, perhaps accepting their help isn't a sign of weakness but of strength. Sometimes, the bravest thing we can do is allow ourselves to lean on others."

Li Lianhua's gaze softened as he regarded his loyal friend. "You speak wisdom, Fang Duobing. Very well, Wan Mian, I accept your offer. But know that I do so with a heavy heart."

Wan Mian's face lit up with relief as she nodded, "Thank you, Li Xiangyi. You won't regret this decision, I promise."

In the corridors of the Sigu Sect, tensions simmered as Mr. Xiao struggled to come to terms with the upheaval. Fang Duobing's departure in search of the elusive Yin and Yang flower went unnoticed, his absence a silent testament to the gravity of their situation.

Meanwhile, Li Lianhua remained in a state of unconsciousness, with Wan Mian faithfully by his side, her unwavering presence a beacon of hope in the darkness that threatened to consume them all.

Fang Duobing's journey had barely begun when he found himself unexpectedly halted by a stranger claiming allegiance to Di Feisheng. Alert and ready, Fang's hand instinctively went for his sword, prepared for confrontation. However, to his astonishment, the stranger bowed respectfully and delivered a surprising message.

"Di Feisheng has summoned you," Di Feisheng's guard declared calmly.

Unwilling to be deterred from his mission, Fang's frustration bubbled to the surface. "I am on a critical mission. I have no time for this," he retorted sharply, his tone laced with anger.

Before Fang could react further, the guard swiftly struck him, rendering him unconscious. When Fang finally regained consciousness, he found himself in a spacious room, disoriented and bewildered. As he rose to his feet, his eyes were met with a breathtaking sight: snow-capped mountains stretching as far as the eye could see, with no sign of civilization in sight.

Di Feisheng's voice echoed through the room as he stepped in, his presence commanding attention. "How did you like my secret place?" he inquired, a hint of amusement dancing in his eyes.

Fang Duobing's frustration boiled over at the unexpected turn of events. "What the hell is the meaning of all this, Di Feisheng?" he demanded, his tone sharp with irritation. "Where are we?"

Di Feisheng's expression softened slightly as he offered an explanation. "We are in the Lushan Mountains. This is my secluded retreat, a place I've called home for many years. Few know of its existence, but it seems fate has brought you here."

Fang's impatience flared as he interjected, "I don't have time for sightseeing, Di Feisheng. I have urgent matters to attend to."

Di Feisheng's gaze bore into Fang's, his voice tinged with urgency. "I need you, Fang. There are matters of great importance that require your expertise. Trust me, this is no ordinary diversion."

Though reluctant to deviate from his mission, Fang couldn't ignore the gravity in Di Feisheng's voice. With a resigned sigh, he conceded, "Fine, I'll hear you out. But make it quick. Time is of the essence."

Di Feisheng's revelation hung heavy in the air as Fang Duobing absorbed the gravity of his words. "I know you are in search of the Yin and Yang flower," Di Feisheng began, his tone measured as he poured tea for Fang Duobing. "I have my men already searching for it since the day I returned. I owe Li Lianhua a favor."

Fang Duobing's movements stilled as he processed the information, his gaze meeting Di Feisheng's with intensity. "You knew he was poisoned by Bicha Poison?" he questioned, his voice tinged with disbelief.

Di Feisheng nodded solemnly. "Yes, I could see the symptoms. As far as I know, it was someone from the Jinyuan alliance who gave the poison to someone in the Sigu Sect. But who wanted him to die so badly, I cannot say. It seems even the virtuous have enemies," he concluded with a rueful shake of his head.

Fang Duobing's shock rippled through the room like a sudden gust of wind. "What? Someone from the Sigu Sect tried to kill Li Lianhua five years ago?" His mind raced, connecting the dots with lightning speed. "It must be Mr. Xiao. I've always had my suspicions about him. From the moment Li Xiangyi emerged as a threat to his ambitions, he's been scheming to take control of the Sigu Sect. His concern for Li Xiangyi was nothing but a facade. He's the only one who stands to gain from all of this."

Di Feisheng listened intently, his expression unreadable. "I cannot confirm nor deny your suspicions," he responded cryptically.

Fang's eyes narrowed with determination. "The same person who poisoned the Sigu Sect is likely the same one who tried to kill me. That's why I ended up in that river," he declared, his voice laced with conviction.

Fang Duobing's urgency to warn Li Xiangyi about the potential danger in the Sigu Sect was met with Di Feisheng's calculated reassurance. "I doubt the perpetrator will attempt another attack," he asserted confidently. "They know that the Bicha Poison is lethal, and with Li Xiangyi's prognosis, there's little need for further action. Besides, why risk exposure when all eyes are on him?"

Accepting Di Feisheng's logic, Fang Duobing settled back into his seat, contemplative. "Will your men be able to locate the Yin and Yang flower?" he inquired, seeking assurance.

Di Feisheng's smirk conveyed his confidence. "It's certainly a better chance than relying on one person's efforts," he remarked, his tone tinged with a hint of amusement.

"Alright, I'll assist you in investigating this matter," Fang Duobing agreed, rising from his seat. But then, as if struck by a sudden realization, he chided, "But next time, maybe try asking for help without the whole knocking out and kidnapping routine."

Di Feisheng chuckled at Fang's admonishment. "Point taken," he conceded, acknowledging his unconventional approach. "Your cooperation will be invaluable, Fang Duobing."

As Fang Duobing and Di Feisheng journeyed towards the remote Jinyuan Alliance, Fang couldn't help but voice his suspicions."You knew someone was plotting against you, didn't you? That's why you brought me here, in the middle of nowhere, for this discussion."

Di Feisheng remained composed, his eyes closed in meditation as he responded, "I can't trust anybody there. There are eyes everywhere, watching our every move."

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Taking a moment to soak in the tranquil beauty of their surroundings, Fang's thoughts turned towards the future. "I will build a palace for Li Xiangyi here once he grows old," he contemplated silently. "It doesn't matter who he chooses to spend the rest of his life with, as long as he is safe and happy."

As his journey continued, Fang resolved to remain vigilant, knowing that danger could lurk around any corner in this seemingly peaceful landscape. Yet amidst the uncertainty, the thought of creating a haven for Li Xiangyi brought a sense of purpose and determination to Fang's heart.

To be continued...

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