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Ashlynn's POV

Everything hurt. Her arms and legs felt heavy, too heavy to lift, so she focused on trying to open her eyes. They felt even heavier than her limbs but slowly they opened. When they opened, she immediately closed them. It was so bright, the light above her shining down on her. She wondered briefly if she had died. Death would explain the light, but she ruled that thought out. She was in too much pain to be dead, right? If she truly was dead, death sucked. She was in more pain here than she was when she was alive. Something touched her hand and her eyes snapped back open. She tried to move her head to look down at her hand when she realized she couldn't. She panicked.

Suddenly there was a flurry of noise all around her. She heard them before she saw them. "Settle down little one. You are safe. No one can get to you here." Then slowly two individuals made their way into her line of sight. It was a man and woman. The man was the one speaking. Ashlynn couldn't focus on the pair for long as her pain increased. Her eyes squeezed shut and she heard the man call for something before he focused back on her. "Settle little the pain will go away soon, and you will drift back to sleep. Just know you aren't alone anymore. You are safe with us." he said. Then just as quickly as he spoke the pain started to dull. She tried to open her eyes one more time, but she couldn't. Instead, she drifted off into a healing sleep.


The next time Ashlynn awoke there was no more pain. Her arms still felt heavy but other than that she felt better than she had in a long time, who is she kidding, she felt better than she had ever felt. This time before she opened her eyes she listened to her surroundings. Just when she thought she was alone she heard a door opening and two people were having a conversation as they entered the room, she was in. "They caught her mother. She was trying to flee to the Fenrir family's territory. She was caught at the border. When our enforcers got to her, they asked her why." a male voice said. "What did she say?" a feminine voice asked. Ashlynn had no idea who the two were talking about, but she kept her eyes closed listening to the conversation the two were having. "She said she did it becau..." his voice cut off. "Well, look who's finally awake." He said instead of continuing what he was going to say.

Ashlynn knew she was caught, so she opened her eyes and saw two tall figures looking down at her. The two looked down at her with... empathy. Not pity, Ashlynn knew the look of pity. She had seen that look many times but the kids who caught her looking out her bedroom window with longing. She was only allowed outside for one hour a day and only in a pen in the backyard. The tiny 6' by 8' pen didn't allow her much space to do anything. Plus, she had nothing to play with in her pen. Her mother made sure every day that it was clear of anything.

One day when she was 10 her mother caught her playing with a stick that had fallen from the tree above her pen. After she took the stick from Ashlynn, her mother found a long skinny branch hanging from the tree and pulled it off the tree. She beat Ashlynn with that branch until she was out of breath. Needless to say, Ashlynn never picked up anything else she saw and tried to play with it. Ashlynn was jolted from her memory when she felt something warn touch her right hand. Looking down at her hand she noticed the woman was now holding her hand. When she looked up at the woman she spoke. "No more tears precious girl. You're safe. She can't hurt you anymore." Ashlynn hadn't even known she was crying. Gently pulling her hand she wipes her eyes. "Okay little one, I am going to get the doctor in here to check you out. Then my mate and I will explain what happened and what comes next. Does that sound okay, little one?"


Alexander's POV

Watching as Emmalene, my mate talks to the girl I can tell she is hurting. Emma has a good heart and watching this girl fight for her life this last 10 days has been hard on her. Ashlynn is shaking so much, and I doubt she even knows it. We both watched as she opened her eyes and we noticed the precise moment she got stuck in a memory, and by her reaction, it was not a good one. Emma had to reach out to pull her from the memory. Emma leaves the room to retrieve the doctor. Ashlynn had to have four infusions of shifter blood to save her life. Though our blood has healing capabilities for humans it is not an easy experience. I the first couple of days Ashlynn died three times, and the doctors fought to bring her back each time.

She is in the clear now that the blood has healed all her injuries. She had severe breaks to both her arms and legs, multiply rib fractures, internal bleeding and a wicked concussion. The doctors were amazed she made it to the hospital alive. Emma returns with Dr. Williams in toe, and she explains to Ashlynn what she has been through. Again, Ashlynn is shaking and tears threaten to fall. Not being able to take her tears I finally step forward. I don't say anything, I just take her hand in mine. She tenses and trying to pull away for a moment before she starts to relax.

After Dr. Williams is done speaking to her Emma and I explain the next steps. Part way through out explanation Ashlynn relaxes enough to drift back off to sleep. Me holding her hand the entire time. When she awakes again she will be on her way to the classification center. No matter her classification she will be going to one of the Shikari Schools for Doms and Subs. They are the most elite schools we have. With students from all 11 major families, she will have the best opportunity for a better life than an school run by a single family. She deserves the best life she can have moving forward.

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