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As Minji walked to the counter, she had noticed the girl following her.

"Uhm, Samuel?" Hanni asked, while Minji hummed in response. "Do you think sometime we can hangout? I mean when you're only comfortable with it." She avoided Minji's eyes.

"Sure why not?" Minji responded while handing her card. .

"Cool, here's my number." Hanni showed her number, Minji took out her phone and dialed the number. "Done, we can hangout tomorrow?" Minji asked

"Why not? I have no plans." Hanni responded. "Nice meeting you Samuel."

Then Hanni checked her things out before disappearing in thin air. Weird, Minji thought. Then she felt something in her pocket, finding what it was. Before seeing that it was a tracker. "What the fuck." Minji cussed.

Then she crumbled the tracker into pieces and stepped on it. "Who the hell would put that?" Minji took the plastic bag and her card.


Hanni ran to a corner nearby, "Dani, I've put the track. She looks like Minji, I'm very suspicious of her." Hanni tapped the earbud on her ear.

"Don't be assuming, maybe Minji has a shape shifter."

"Whatever. I'll use the jumping boots you made."

"Since when did you wear those? It's literally just beside me!"

"Shit, I left it. I'm just gonna use the grappling hook." Hanni took out a grappling hook and pointed to the roof top, "Support on top the mayor's Hall. On top of the roof, Hanni speaking." The woman clinging to the wall signaled the Aircraft above.

"Copy that Hanni, on our way." Yeji said from the radio, turning left with her jet. "Thanks." Hanni sat on the rooftop and opened her packed bread.

"Samuel, your so.." Hanni thought while she ate a piece of her bread.

"Hey! Get down right now!" A cop shouted, while Hanni jumped. "Ah, shit." Hanni took the bag and wore her mask. Biting the bread while gripping onto the grappling hook.

"Hanni, where are you now? We can't find your GPS." Yeji asked using her headset. "Sorry, I changed spots. The stupid ass bodyguards saw me."

Yeji laughed and looked at the screen, "I found contact with your GPS, stay in place. Im near." Yeji pushed the button, the jets engine running faster.

"Above you Hanni." Yeji opened the trapdoor to the jet. "Use the jetpack Dani made. Too lazy to use the ladder."

"Copy." Hanni turned on the jet pack flying up. She happily went up smiling ear to ear, when the hook reached the side of the trapdoor Hanni pulled the reverse trigger. Pulling her up to the jet, when Hanni got herself in fully she closed the trapdoor and walked towards the seat near Yeji. "Yeji, wheres our technical?" Hanni asked taking off her mask.

"They're busy making a new equipment, why?" Yeji glanced at Hanni. " My night vision goggles are not working. I tried finding the humanity potion that gives you strength but all I've seen is dead bodies and knifes."

"Report that to the ORB, they will call more observeres like you." Yeji explained while she hit the landing.

"We're called surveillances." Hanni defended.

"Whatever works Han." Yeji took off the keys from the jet and opened the doors. "Have you eaten breakfast?" Yeji asked Hanni again.

"What does it look like?"

"You fucking went to 7/11." Yeji's temper rised.

"Oh, well I decided to eat here." Hanni smiled waving the plastic bag Infront of Yeji's face. "I bought alot of rice balls to share." Hanni said as she walked with Yeji.

As they get it, Hanni spoke. "Yeji, you know the girl that looks like Kim Minji?" Hanni asked.

"Yeah, why?" Yeji asked.

"Do you think it's Minji?" Hanni asked, glancing at Yeji for a answer. "How am I supposed to know when I don't know what she looks like?"

"Because the eyes are so familiar, I've seen her in a mission and I only saw her eyes because she's wearing a mask." Hanni looked back. 

"Well, some people have eyes that look alike."


Minji ran to the headquarters, almost slipping on a banana peel. Pushing the person against her, bumping their shoulders. "Watch it!" A man furiously said.

But their was no answer from Minji, she ran until she rached the quarters. And once she went there she shouted. "Everyone, let's please have a meeting in the main hall!" Then punching the alarm button getting everyones attention. "Main hall asap!" A bodyguard ran to the hallways.

Minji on the other hand was near to the main hall, she pushed the door falling to the ground. "Shit, wrong room." Minji cussed.

She ran to note farther taking the steps. Fuck, she's tired. Her heart beating rapidly, her legs feeling sore, and her throat drying fast. When she stopped at the 2nd floor, she noticed lots of people pushing eachother to get in. Hinting her that it was the main hall, she ran to them. Slowly all of them getting in.

Once all of the got in, their boss told Minji to stand un the middle.

"Now, what's the problem?" Their boss asked, taking his ballpen.

"Sir, I think somebody has targeted me " Minji tried to catch her breath, breathing heavily.

"What? How can someone recognize you when you wear a mask?" The boss realizing the situation.

"I don't know. I don't know either who exactly put it." Minji looked at the man with nervous eyes. "What do you mean exactly put it?"

"Somebody had put a tracker on my pocket." Minji reached for the crumbed tracker, placing it on the desk.

"No fucking way." The boss looked at Minji's eyes. "This tracker is made really well." He held the little mother board.

"This might be made by the most targeted evil agencies. I can't identify which one." The boss hurriedly threw the tracker far away.

" I need you to do a mission, for the protection of our agency. Everyone is involed, we need every research and identity." The older man took out papers.

"But lets give you a target first." The boss walked silently to Minji. The other spies looking at them with shock. "Target Pham Hanni first, one of the stealthiest and dangerous surveillance and hitman's."

"I chose you Minji to do this, because you are one of the most needed hit man's and spies."

"Your shift starts tomorrow, research about her and find out how to stop this." Then the boss gave the papers to Minji, slowly backing up.

"I hope you succeed, Minji."

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