11 - Surprise Visit

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Much later, after a long and relaxing bath, the two men watched a movie in bed and didn't fall asleep until well past one in the morning. Well, they watched the first half of the movie and then had some more sex. It was Lucas's first time sleeping with someone special, and it was the best sleep of his life.

Which was why he was so understandably cranky when Gabriel's phone went off at the ass-crack of dawn.

Well, ten am, he mentally corrected when he checked the time on his own phone. Still, after the night he had, it felt like the crack of dawn. He was deliciously sore and he stretched with a big smile.

Gabriel growled and crawled across the bed to the nightstand where his phone was making a racket.

"What? I specifically said-" he snapped. A pause.

Shifter hearing would come in handy right about now. Unfortunately, shifter hearing did not manifest as one of his new skills. Oh well.

"When?" Gabriel asked. "I see." Another pause. "Yes, I'm aware. I'll be down soon. Yes, soon."

He hung up the phone and flopped back down onto the bed. He pulled Lucas close to his body, spooning him. Lucas froze. How was he supposed to act around Gabriel now? They'd had some wild, hot sex, and now they were what? Spouses? Partners?


Lucas didn't even know the first thing about being somebody's regular booty-call, let alone a mate.

Gabriel rocked his cock against Lucas's ass and groaned against his neck.

"If you had come to me when this all started, we would've had several days to do nothing but have hot sex and get to know each other." Gabriel snuggled even closer together, pushing his hot erection into Lucas's back. Now that was something Lucas understood. He flushed and squirmed, feeling his own dick harden at the non-verbal promise of a repeat of yesterday.

"Yeah, well I'm not the one who had to be the alpha of the biggest pack in North America. You did that all on your own. What is it they need you to do?" Lucas couldn't help himself. He pushed his ass back against Gabriel's cock.

I wonder if we have enough time for a quickie... first I need to find out if Gabriel even knows what a quickie is.

"Tease," Gabriel bit Lucas's ear and flipped him onto his back. "I want to fuck you so bad. This need is going to drive me crazy. The first few days are always the hardest."

He put his weight down on Lucas's body, caging him in, and started biting at his neck. Lucas groaned and wrapped his arms around him.

"Let's just ignore wherever it is they want. Or be a little late. I know you like taking your time but I could teach you how to get off in a hurry. It's fun, I promise."

Gabriel groaned. "Don't tempt me. If I don't get down there soon Micheal will absolutely come up here and interrupt. Or Caroline. That woman keeps me in line."

"Ew, gross." Lucas felt his arousal slip away at the thought of his mother catching him having sex. "No thanks. Get off."

"That's what I thought." Gabriel laughed. He pushed himself off of Lucas and held out a hand. Lucas took it and Gabriel pulled him to his feet as well. "We actually both need to get ready. The wizard council is dropping by for a visit concerning Sonia."

Lucas felt all the blood leave his face. "What?"

"Lucas?" Gabriel put his hands on Lucas's cheeks, alarmed at the sudden change. "You're white as a sheet. It will be okay, I promise. They wouldn't dare do anything here. There are already human reporters outside. There always are during a council visit."

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