Chapter 17: Feelings

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The following day went by in a blur as Sei once more found himself in a whirlwhind of rehearsal and filming on set, Wei's words from last night ringing in his mind.

Every chance he had gotten to try and talk with Suzy was futile, as the actress was either swept away by the staff or had orders given by Director Jung-hyo. In the end, he could only go with the flow of the rehearsal.

The warm afternoon rays of the sun shone through the windows of the set that they were filming in, Sei and Suzy stood on the set, the tension from their previous encounter still lingering between them like an unspoken question. Sei decided that this was finally the time to talk to her and clear things up.

Sei slowly made his way to her. "No-"

"Sei-ssi, Suzy-ssi, can I have a moment with you two?" Director Lee called out, gesturing for them to join him.

With a deep sigh releasing from his mouth, the pair exchanged a nervous glance before following the director to a quieter corner of the set.

"Listen, I know things might have felt a bit... intense during the last scene," Director Lee began, choosing his words carefully. "But I want to assure you both that your chemistry on screen is incredible. That being said, I understand that there may have been a few misunderstandings, I have a keen eye, you know. It's best the two you clear these tension that you both have before we begin filming."

Sei and Suzy nodded, grateful for the director's understanding and the oppurtunity he had given. They exchanged a brief glance, silently acknowledging the need to address the subject.

"Thank you, Director Lee," Suzy spoke up, her voice steady. "Sei-ssi and I will take care of it."

With a reassuring nod from the director, Sei and Suzy stepped away to have their conversation. They found a quiet corner of the set and sat down, the weight of their unspoken emotions hanging heavy in the air.

"Suzy-noona, about yesterday..." Sei began, his voice hesitant. "I just wanted to say that..."

Suzy reached out and placed a comforting hand on his arm. "Sei, it's okay. I understand that things got a bit... intense. But I think we both know, that yesterday was all acting, right? No feelings involved whatsoever."

Sei nodded, relief flooding through him. "Thank you, Suzy-noona. I was worried that I might have crossed a line."

Suzy offered him a warm smile. "You didn't. We're professionals, and our job is to bring these characters to life. Let's focus on delivering the best performance we can. Besides, there's more scenes like those coming our way, we shouldn't let it get in our way y'know, it's best to learn from your experienced noona, araseo?"

With a puff of her chest in confidence, a small chuckle escaped Sei's lips as he stared at her, giving a nod in response. "Araseo, noona."

With their conversation out of the way, and the air of tension between them finally cleared, Sei made his way back on set, a little skip in his step, not noticing the look that Suzy was giving him, as she stared at his figure.

The crew got back immediately to filming, sith each scene they filmed, Sei and Suzy's chemistry only seemed to grow stronger. Their performances were effortless, each moment filled with genuine emotion and authenticity. The director watched with pride as his actors played their perfectly, especially Sei, who even though was a rookie actor, was doing better than most.

He couldn't wait for what the world would think when the drama would finally be released.


After a successful day of filming, Sei made a big stretch, evidently tired from the day's activities. Quickly remembering that he still had one person who he has not made up with.

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