Chapter 31: One More.

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"So, just to clarify..." Kang PD spoke seriously, facing Sei. "You want to push through the collab with Nicki Minaj?"

"Ne, I already have an idea for the concept and everything." Sei assured. "I think.... she's the missing piece I need for the song."

"What brought this up all of a sudden, SeiSei?" Minho asked curiously as he leaned his chin on Sei's shoulder.

"Mmm, did something happen?" Jaehyun probed.

"I just don't like people looking down on us....." He muttered out. "Especially, you guys..."

Wei patted Sei on the back, a comforting smile on his face. "We can't win over everybody, what's important is that we know the truth, Sei-ya. Don't let their words get to you."


Sei had a determined look on his face as he got up. "Don't worry, guys. Trust me, we'll blow them all away."

Jaehyun let out a sigh, a small smile forming on his face. "Araseo, lay it down on us, what's the plan?"

A knowing smile made it's way onto Sei's face as he stood infront of them. One of the things he had hated was being looked down on, especially if it involved those he was close with.

He had seen first hand how much effort everyone put into the work they have done. This comeback would rock the world,

they were idols after all


Sei's determination fueled the atmosphere in the practice room as the members of Divinity gathered to rehearse their choreography for "Very Nice". With Kang PD overseeing their practice, they dove into the routine with focused intensity.

The room echoed with the sound of their footsteps and the rhythm of the music as they moved in perfect sync, each member showcasing their individual strengths while seamlessly blending together as a single unit. Jaehyun led the group with confidence, his movements precise and commanding, showcasing exactly why he's the leader of the group.

As they danced, their passion and determination radiated from every movement, their commitment to their work evident in the way they poured their hearts and souls into each step. Kang PD watched with pride as the members of Divinity brought the choreography to life, their dedication and talent shining through with every beat of the music.

With each run-through, they pushed themselves to their limits, striving for perfection with unwavering determination. They knew that their upcoming performance would be a chance to showcase their skills and prove themselves on a larger stage, and they were determined to make the most of it.

As the practice session drew to a close, the boys were panting heavily as they leaned on the walls, clearly tired from their routine.

"One more..." Sei breathed out.

"That's enough for today, Sei-ya." Kang PD chided. "You still have to attend MMA tomorrow, get some rest boys."

The members nodded in agreement, each of them standing up to get their things, meanwhile Sei sat on the floor, his head hung low. Kang PD approached him and knelt down to his level.

"I didn't make the wrong decision in choosing you as Divinity's final member, Sei-ah." He spoke out, staring at Sei's tired form. "Save that fire, that burn, that anger, for when it's time. I understand that you'd give everything to protect your members, but they'd do the same for you as well. Get some rest."

"Mianhe, PD-nim." Sei breathed out tiredly. "I just..."

A soft smile formed on Kang PD's face as he ruffled Sei's hair. "I know, I'll handle the rest for now."

Divinity ~ Male KPOP IdolUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum