In The Mood

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It is another average day in little, old Hawkins. Will, Mike, Dustin, and Lucas are playing Dungeons and Dragons in Mike's basement. Max and Eleven are complaining about the boys in Max's bedroom. Robin and Steve are working a shirt at Family Video, and Eddie is off playing guitar with his band, Corroded Coffin. There is nothing special happening today, and everyone can feel that through the crisp, fall air.

"Dude, how can people watch stuff like this?" Robin asks, holding up a copy of Breakfast at Tiffany's.

Steve turns around at the cash register and shrugs his shoulders at the sight of the newly released film, "I don't know. It's not like I watch that genre. Recently, I've only been watching Horror films."

Robin laughs, "I wonder why!"

Steve rolls his eyes and watches as Robin puts away the last new VHS tape.

"Speaking of which, how is that going?" Robins asks, walking up to the front counter.

"Alright," Steve begins, "They're better than I expected to say the least."

Robins climbs onto the counter and swings her legs over Steve's side, "That's good. What has been your favorite so far?"

Steve thinks for a second before responding, "Probably, The Mummy's Hand."

"Aah, that's a solid choice. Can't go wrong with a 40s classic." Robin states matter-of-factly, as she hops off of the counter and rests her head on Steve's shoulder, "God, work has been so boring lately. I neeeeed more drama!"

"Oh, Steve!" a female voice is heard on the opposite side of the counter.

They look up front to see Nancy Wheeler, Steve's ex-girlfriend.

"Speaking of which," Robin mumbles, before Steve awkwardly responds, "Hello, Nancy!"

"I didn't know that you two worked here now." She states, her fingers fixing a tangled curl in her hair.

Robin chuckles, "Yeah, well, we can't really work at a destroyed mall anymore."

Nancy smiles, "I guess that's true."

There's a moment of silence before Nancy finally walks to the VHS aisles. They watch her, as she picks up Breakfast at Tiffany's and moves on to another aisle. Steve and Robin look at each other, and Steve quickly slaps his hand on Robin's mouth to prevent her from laughing out loud. When Nancy is done searching, she heads back up to the counter. She places her three movies, including Breakfast at Tiffany's into Steve's hands.

"So, what have you two been up to besides the job?" Nancy asks, attempting to start a conversation.

Steve shrugs, as he scans in the movies, "Nothing much. How about you? How's Jonathan?"

Nancy laughs awkwardly, "We actually broke up a few months ago."

"Oh, sorry." Steve responds, doing something on the computer.

"Yeah, we just didn't work out. You know how it is." Nancy states, "But that means I'm back in the fishing pond. Know anyone that would be interested?"

Steve hands Nancy the movies and shakes his head, "Not really. I basically only talk to Robin, the kids, and Eddie."

"Eddie?" Nancy asks, her head cocking to the right.

"Eddie Munson," Steve answers, "the DND obsessed kid from school."

"Oh, I didn't know you were friends. How did that happen?" Nancy questions, her eyes laser-focused on Steve's facial expressions.

Steve chuckles, "Yeah, I met him through the kids a little over six months ago, and we hit it off immediately. Started dating like a month later."

Robin smirks at the way Nancy's jaw dropped at Steve's last sentence.

"Oh, yeah!" Steve exclaims, "I'm bi."

The only thing Nancy can manage to do in return is nod her head. The silence was toned down the second Eddie barged into the store.

"I'm back, baby!" He yells, setting his guitar case up next to the door.

Steve smiles, as Eddie walks around the counter. Before Eddie can even begin to acknowledge the girl on the other side of the counter, Steve grabs his nape and pulls him into a semi-rough kiss. Robin almost cackles at the increased amount of shock on Nancy's face. When Steve finally allows Eddie to pull away, Eddie has a smirk on his face. He grabs tightly onto Steve's waist and says, "Oh, I didn't realize you were in that kind of mood."

Robin coughs and pulls Eddie's attention to Nancy with the tilt of her head.

"Oh," Eddie begins, his hands slipping away from Steve's waist, "Hi"

"Hi." Nancy says, her eyes open wide.

"This is Nancy, from school." Steve says to Eddie, his hand falling onto the older's lower back and sliding further down.

Eddie smiles and grabs Steve's hand, while responding, "Nice to see you again."

"Yeah," Nancy smiles awkwardly, "I better get going. My mom's waiting for me in the car. It was nice seeing all of you. Goodbye!"

Nancy is quick to turn on her heels and leave the store. The second the door shuts, Robin and Steve burst out laughing. Eddie crosses his arms over his chest and looks at the two.

"Did you see the look on her face?!" Robin exclaims, intimidating Nancy's facial expression of pure shock.

Steve laughs, "I know! Like, oh my gosh!"

After a minute or two of laughter, Robin is crying and Steve is sitting on the floor laughing.

Eddie furrows his eyebrows, "What is going on?"

Robin and Steve both look at Eddie before bursting into laughter again. This time, Robin joins Steve on the floor and the two roll around. It takes them another minute or two to finally pull themselves together. Once the video store is filled with normal breathing again, Robin declares that it is time for closing. The two coworkers clean everything and lock up, while Eddie sits on the front desk in silence. He is still thinking about what just happened.

"Alright, let's go home!" Robins yells, swinging the front door open and gesturing to the outdoors.

Eddie grabs his guitar, and they all head out. Robin does one last eye-sweep of the store before closing the door and locking it. After double checking the lock multiple times, the three head to Steve's old car.

"Keys?" Eddie asks, putting his hand out towards Steve.

Steve pulls out the keys from his pockets, unlocks the car, and throws them to Eddie. Once Eddie's guitar is in the back and everyone is seated with their seatbelts fastened, they are finally ready to pull out and go home. The drive to Robin's house is an average drive there. She and Steve talk, while the older focuses on the road.

"Alright, see you tomorrow, Robby!" Steve exclaims, as she gets out of the car.

"Goodnight, you two!" Robin yells, before slamming the rear door shut.

Eddie waits for her to get inside before he drives off. There's a thick silence lacing the car, as Steve analyzes whether or not Eddie is upset.

"So," Eddie begins, "What was that whole thing with that Nancy girl?"

Steve blushes, thinking about the way he had impulsively acted, "To be honest, she's my ex, and I wanted her to be dumbfounded by me dating again."

Eddie chuckles, his hand falling onto Steve's inner-thigh, "I guess that makes sense. I would do the same."

Steve blushes even more at the older's hand placement.

"But, you should do that more often." Eddie admits.

"Do what?" Steve asks, looking at Eddie with his innocent eyes.

Eddie glaces over at Steve and squeezes the younger's thigh, "You know exactly what I mean, babyboy."

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