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Originally, her father had died. Although she was at a loss and didn't know how to survive in the future, she was still hesitant about going to live in Tang Guihua's home. Although she was young at that time, she was worried that it would be difficult to live under someone else's roof.

But just when her heart was wavering, a burglar broke into the house that very night! The audacity shocked her deeply. Who would dare to steal mere days after her father's death?

Terrified, she hid in the yard, overhearing the burglar's plans to loot everything in the house without any regard. With only a child at home, there was no one to protect her. She trembled with fear all night, clutching the quilt tightly.

When she woke up the next morning, almost everything in the house had been taken, except for what couldn't be carried. The door had been forced open, leaving her even more frightened.

Just as fear overwhelmed her, Tang Guihua arrived in time to comfort her and took her in, making her a member of his family, thus ending her miserable life.

However, later, when Tang Guihua's family sold her off as a shared wife to someone else, Tang Guihua's true ferocity was revealed. Mocking her as stupid, she realized the extent of his deception. He had plotted against her from the start. Not only did he subject her to abuse and ten years of servitude, but even the burglary that night was orchestrated by Tang Guihua and Wang Dongyang. Their goal was to make her fearful enough to agree to live with them.

She was consumed by hatred! She longed to tear them apart, to rip the flesh from their bones, but she was powerless. Helpless, she watched as they sold her off, their smug smiles etched in her memory like scars.

It was this hatred and unwillingness that fueled her determination to survive their inhuman treatment, to return one day and exact revenge.

Fang Yuxi wasted no time, finding hunting traps in the utility room. Seeing these sharp instruments maintained by her father brought tears to her eyes.

Though her father was missing a leg, in her eyes, he was the strongest and most capable. He provided for her and even used these traps to bring her meat from the mountains and colorful candies. Now, these traps gleamed with cold light, while her father lay in the damp soil. It was unbearable.

Wiping her tears, Fang Yuxi scattered the traps in the yard. She believed that by firmly rejecting Tang Guihua, she would provoke him to return. And when he did, she would be ready.

In her past life, she was consumed by fear. But in this life, she vowed to make her tormentors pay with blood!

With a chilling smile on her lips, she hummed as she opened the traps one by one. Looking at them scattered across the yard, she envisioned the intruders writhing in pain. It excited her.

Revenge had become her obsession, lifting the depression that had weighed on her for so long. What she couldn't do before, she would do now. Starting today, Fang Yuxi's heart had never been lighter, not even when she obtained the space.

Afterward, Fang Yuxi felt hunger gnawing at her stomach. She hadn't eaten well all day, just half a bowl of mushroom and lean meat porridge. After enduring so much, she feared she might faint from hunger if she didn't eat something.

After closing the door and returning to her room, Fang Yuxi entered the space to continue her dinner. Venting her anger had eased her depression, and she felt in the mood for a good meal.

She selected a bowl of mushroom and lean meat porridge, along with a bowl of fragrant spicy chicken and a plate of delicious duck neck. Though her lips reddened and swelled from the spice, she savored every bite.

In her previous life, she had suffered enough hardships. With the Jiuyan Space, she never denied herself again. Now, having returned to the past, she refused to live in hardship. Why should she?

"Ah, it feels good to be full!" Fang Yuxi patted her satisfied belly. She hadn't felt this content in a long time. It was wonderful!

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