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Enduring the pain in her heart, Fang Yuxi took out a batch of food from the space, including rice, flour, red beans, mung beans, soybeans, potatoes, and also packed a lot of bacon, dried chicken and dried rabbit, adding to her warehouse. A lot of food, so that if someone comes to the house one day, there will be no suspicion.

After sorting out the things at home, Fang Yuxi put all the money and tickets into Jiuyan Space. It only had more than fifty yuan, which was too little. This was her only possession, so she couldn't lose it.

But fifty yuan is not enough for her. She has a lot of food in her Jiuyan space, but there are also some daily necessities that she needs to buy. In fact, there are many things in the space that are not enough. In line with this era, it cannot be used at all.

So she needs money and tickets. Fang Yuxi is already thinking about how to get the money and tickets she wants on the black market in the town. There are a lot of things in the space. It is best to exchange them for the money and tickets she needs. Good idea.

After finally cleaning the house, and seeing that it was time for dinner, Fang Yuxi took out the large ball of fermented flour dumplings, rolled out the bun wrappers, and boiled the chicken fat from the pheasant. , mixed with washed and chopped wild vegetables to make wild vegetable steamed buns. These days, vegetarian wild vegetable steamed buns are also a very rare good thing, not to mention she also added chicken fat.

Of course, Fang Yuxi is a carnivore. With the spiritual spring of Jiuyan Space, even if she is seventy or eighty years old, she can eat meat without any scruples. Of course, Fang Yuxi will not forget to wrap herself with some mushroom pork. The big stuffed buns, tender and juicy pork with a little bit of shrimp meat, taste really great.

It took eight drawers of steamer to steam the buns before they were finished. There were more than forty large buns. The thin-skinned and stuffed buns exuded the fragrance of flour. Fang Yuxi immediately picked up a palm-sized bun and blew it carefully. After taking a bite, the wild vegetable filling stirred with chicken oil was fragrant, tender and hot. The soup flowed out of the bun after taking a bite. It was so delicious that Fang Yuxi narrowed her eyes in satisfaction.

Breathing out, Fang Yuxi ate one big bun, and then packed ten big buns to send to the He family. Wang Qiuju held the ten big buns with a confused expression on her face.

"This... this girl is really lavish. How will you live like this in the future?"

Fang Yuxi came and left in a hurry. She put the whole basket directly into Wang Qiuju's hand who opened the door and turned around to leave. Wang Qiuju didn't even have time to scream. Only when she returned to the house did she see the basket of big buns, with such a look on her face. But it was extremely shocking.

"No! This girl doesn't know how she will live her life in the future. She even sent us buns. We can't accept these buns!"

Wang Qiuju was worried and decided not to accept the buns. This food is so precious in these days. It can save lives. These ten big buns are a big gift. She just asked three boys to pick up two bundles of firewood. That's all, how could he be worth so many big buns like Xixi?

"Actually...Mom, when we delivered firewood, Xixi cooked two chickens for us to eat."

Seeing how excited his mother was, He Fengnian felt ashamed to tell the story about four people eating two chickens. He had been hesitant, and even now he couldn't help but speak.

"What! You ate two chickens!" The person who reacted more than Wang Qiuju was He Youwei, whose eyes were as wide as bells.

"Dad, don't be angry. We didn't want to eat it. It was Xixi who cooked a big pot. We didn't want to eat it, so she just stuffed it into our mouths. I...I was really greedy for meat, so...I couldn't hold it back. "

Seeing his father's signs of getting angry, He Yushun quickly opened his mouth to explain, but he also knew what he was doing was wrong, so he didn't have the confidence to speak.

"Mom and Dad, don't be angry. We will help Xixi with her work from now on!" Maodou also knew that her parents were angry, so she quickly admitted her mistake and showed her kindness, covering her butt for fear of being beaten.

"I'm going to kill you three little bastards. I asked you to deliver firewood to Xixi, but you ate two of Xixi's chickens. Oh, my mother, why are you so ignorant? I'm so angry!"

Wang Qiuju was so angry that she picked up the broom in the room and gave each of her three sons a few blows. This made her very angry. What the three sons did was so unethical.

"Mom, don't be angry. We have already agreed. Whenever something happens to Xixi in the future, we will definitely help her without saying anything. We know we were wrong and we will never eat Xixi's food rations again."

The three He Fengnian brothers didn't lose their temper after being beaten. They just felt that their mother had done the right thing, and they felt better after being beaten twice.

"Yes, Mom, you don't know. Xixi is very good. She caught three pheasants. She said she learned from Uncle Qian. Xixi also said that she would take us with her, so that we can protect Xixi. Xi, from now on we will treat Xi Xi as our biological sister!"

He Yushun also patted his chest and assured his mother that he really meant what he said. Since he could remember, the meal he had at Xixi's house this afternoon was the best and the most filling he had ever had. He paused. The meat he had eaten over the years was not as much as he had eaten today, so now Xixi was his sister in his eyes, and he wanted to protect his sister.

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