14 - Confrontation

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Remembering you should probably tell the other circus members about Jax, you ponder upon who to tell first. The most logical answer of the three other circus members would be Kinger, as he'd be the must susceptible to another attack. If you could warn him before any plans would be put into motion, another digital life would be spared. 

You linger in your room just a moment longer, feeling the ground beneath your feet and allowing it to center you in the moment. Air fills your lungs as you inhale deeply, appreciating the air that surrounds you even if it's just made of ones and zeros. As you exhale, you open the door and take a step out feeling reinvigorated and calmed after Jax was apprehended. Ragatha and Pomni's previous behaviors still remained in the back of your mind, making goosebumps pop up across your arms, but surely it could be shrugged off as their uneasiness to be confronting Psycho Rabbit. 

Psycho Rabbit. A peculiar nickname, but a fitting one you must admit. You reflect upon your day as you subconsciously wander towards the door of the paranoid chess piece. You couldn't help but feel sympathy when thinking about him. Remembering your first night in the circus, you recalled coming across a door with a very similar chess piece, except that one was a queen. Was it safe to agree that they were related to Kinger, one way or another? But the X on their door... that had to have meant something. And judging by the fact that the queen didn't roam around the circus... were they gone? Was Kinger constantly coping with the loss of his sibling, or friend, or perhaps even more?

Face to face with the door of the oldest in the circus, you knock firmly but not aggressively. Waiting for him to open the door, you stand in silence, unmoving. As your mind wasn't tethered by the usual conversation provided by Ragatha or Pomni, it was allowed to roam freely. Everything had felt weird lately, actually ever since you got here, but it was like no matter how hard you tried the pieces would never fit together even if they looked like they'd join perfectly. Never snapping into place, stopping this from making any sort of sense. You decided to start from the beginning of the oddities. 

Overwhelming silence, followed by a headache and then music. Jax being a usual pain in your ass, followed by a headache and then the cupboard with Pomni's key opening. Jax attacking you, followed by constant paranoia, a headache muted by adrenaline, and then your escape. Pomni and Ragatha acting weird, like shells of their usual selves. Most of these occurrences involved fatigue and a world-altering migraine, as well as a twitch in your hand. What if you were the cause of all of these? What if-

A scream interrupted your thought process and your about-to-be-discovered-life-changing-revelation. Jumping back, you looked up to see the man of the hour himself, Kinger. "Apologies Y/N, you gave me quite a fright!" 

How you scared him was unknown to you, as you had knocked upon his door and he knew someone would be awaiting his presence outside. "Right... umm... I'm aware we haven't talked yet and it would be of utmost pleasure for me to provide you with an introduction. I'm Y/N. I have heard through the grape vine that our fellow circus members refer to you as Kinger?" It felt right to speak in such a way, judging by Kinger's age and his wisdom of the English language. However, it still felt weird to type out words of that sort.

"Indeed I am Kinger! How may I help you today?"

"I have some unfortunate news about Jax, and I have come to warn you."

"Bad news? Like what?" You could sense his anxiety levels rising, and it surprised you slightly how his brain hadn't exploded. Or how he had survived this long in the circus at all. 

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