Chapt # 10 - Amarie

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After my stalker had made me "Orgasm"
I had fallen asleep,

Then in the morning, I woke up with a towel, And breakfast on my bed, God, how can i not fall if he's like this??

I ate the breakfast and got ready, I got downstairs and opened the engine of my car, Its been 2 days since I haven't talked with Vera,

And almost just one week and were graduating, I need to find a job, Like literally,

I drove off to school, And finished my classes, Our classes had ended early, So i got to Rhyss's company after,

I got to the reception, and talked to the girl on it, "May i see Rhyss Kingston?" I asked,

The girl looked at me like i was some weird girl or somewhat poor, And said rudely, "He doesn't as accept visits right now." And continued work,

"Can you tell him its Amarie Garcia?" I asked her, She rolled her eyes and said, "He doesn't accept visits i said."

I took out my phone, And called My brother, "Hey brother, Can i maybe have Rhyss's phone number?"

He wanted to question me but hung up the phone, Then sent the number, i called the number,

It rang for like 2 seconds before he answered, "Who's this?" He asked,

"Its Amarie, im in your company right now, But this receptionist wouldn't let me in..." I said softly,

"Just go to the elevator, And push the green button on it," he said,

I walked to the elevator and pressed the green button like he said, It bought me to the top floor and in front of a door,

His office, I knocked and called out, "Rhyss..."

"Come in" he told me while i opened the door, I found his office was quite big, and formal, "Why did you come here?" He asked,

"I just wanted to know, If... You might want me applying for a job, Im just asking if you have a Secretary... If not, Maybe i apply for it..?" I said softly as i sat on the opposite chair In front of him,

"Do you have a resume?" He asked, I handed him the piece of paper that had all of my info,

"I'll message you if i will hire you, How about that?" He asked while he proped his elbows on the table,

"Sure, That'd be great, Thank you Rhyss..." I said softly while i stood up,

"Amarie.. " he called out, I looked at him,"This is... Embarrassing, but thank you for taking, care of me when i was drunk... "

"it was no biggie Rhyss.." i told him and, walked out of his office feeling better, I got back downstairs and looked to find the receptionist looking at me,

I rolled my eyes and got to my car, then drove home,

As i parked my car in front of my dorm, I got out and got inside,

I got to my room and laid down, Forgetting to even change my clothes, I fell asleep in my bed,

Hours later, I woke up in the middle of the night, i looked around to see a box beside me, I opened it to see another pair of lingrie,

"What am i going to do with this..?" I asked myself, Why did he keep leaving these lingrie in my room..

God, He was weird, But he has some sense, like a taste in fashion, In lingrie, How is he so rich, And good at picking things out,

Sooner or later I'd know who he is, I will know who he is, I will, he will see,

I will see, Maybe i know him..? God why would i know someone who will stalk me,

But i guess, It's good to have someone looking over me... He's a gentleman, and i will find out...

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