Chapt - 17 - Amarie

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I woke up feeling something wrapping around my waist,

I looked up to see Rhyss, Maybe this was a wrong thing, Because my Boss, is sleeping, beside me,

Well he's kinda hot sleeping, But no, let's not think about that,

Let's think about why hes rock hard beside me,

I wriggled, Trying to get out of his wrap, But ended up getting stuck because he tightened his arms around,

"Rhyss..." I said softly, Trying to wake him up, Its 10am right now,

"Wake up, Rhyss." I tried to wake him up by shaking him,

His eyes flutter open as groaned,

As i stood up, He positioned himself ontop of me, Which He's so fucking heavy, But all he did was bury his face on my chest,

Making my back fall into the headboard,

I felt his hands wrap around my waist again and pulled me even closer to bury himself deeper,

I felt him groan as i tried to push him away, "R-Rhyss..." I whimpered,

Well, Absolutely, He hit something... That is really too sensitive, Like fucking sensitive,

He looked up and opened his eyes to look at me, "Can't we just stay in bed." He groaned,

What the fuck? Who am i? His girlfriend? What am i supposed to answer, "Rhyss," i chuckled,

"Rhyss, I'm Just your secretary, I don't have control over what you wanna do..." I said softly as i tried to push him away,

Is he drunk? "Are you drunk?" I asked him, he shook his head,

"Please Rhyss, Let me go..." I said softly as i Push him away, " I really need to go pee... "I said as an excuse,

"Will you let me court you?" He asked,

I looked at him confused, "Rhyss, This is no time for jokes, Im late for work."

"No, You're not working, Neither am i until you answer my question, Will you let me court you?"

He's, He wants to court me? "Rhyss, You're serious?" I asked him softly,

"If you are, Then... Of course you can, But you'll have to wait for my answer first."

"i can wait for thousands of years just for you to say yes, Baby." He told me, God forbid me, This man makes my knees weak, And it melts my fucking heart,

"I need to go to work too, Rhyss... "I said softly,

"You're not, Remember last night? We're going to the hospital." He told me as he stood up,

He scooped me in his arms which got he yelping," I-i can walk!" I exclaim,

"And i can carry you whenever i want to, Baby" he said as he grinned,

I jumped out of his hand, "And as i said, I can walk, Mr, Kingston." I said as i walk out of his room.

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