Chapter 9: Back to School

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Candice and Eleanor were up by five the next morning. Candice sat uncomfortably at the vanity in her sister's room as Eleanor worked to hide the bruises still visible on her face. She'd turned her phone back on the evening before after Cooper had left. She'd let her friends know she'd see them in the morning, and she'd learned that Eleanor had made an appearance the previous Sunday, demanding answers. She was surprised at that, just as she was surprised to find that Eleanor had also been refusing visitors.

The angry resentment was still there, but she thought that she could at least breathe a bit easier. She didn't feel as blinded by it. It wasn't the person, she'd assured herself repeatedly the night before as she lay in bed. She'd needed to vent it out and Cooper had just been in the right place at the right time. Or wrong, depending on how you looked at it. It could've been anyone. It didn't mean anything.

"It'll be easier to cover by next week," Eleanor said at last, setting down a make-up brush and leaning back to survey her work. "If anyone looks for it, they might notice, but everyone else will buy it."

Turning to look in the vanity mirror, Candice found herself nodding in agreement and then swallowing awkwardly as she studied her sister from the corner of her eye. "Thanks...for all of it."

Eleanor's eyes widened slightly before she schooled her expression and offered a casual shrug. "I can drop you at school today; I've got plans over that way anyway."

"That's not necessary," Candice immediately responded with a shake of her head as she got to her feet. "I can take the bus."

Her sister cast her a doubtful look with a raised brow. "Aren't your ribs still bothering you? If you don't want people to notice you flinching at every pothole, this will be easier. Get out so I can get ready."

Swallowing another rejection, Candice left the room, wondering just how to navigate the sudden change in their relationship. "Just don't take forever."

She found her friends at their usual spot before class and felt their apprehension as they watched her approach. Clutching her books to her chest, she came to a stop in front of the three of them and sucked in a breath. "Hey."

"And she returns to the land of the living," Faith announced, donning an expression that seemed to be a mix between annoyance and concern.

Hope elbowed Faith from her seat beside her and shot Candice a sympathetic look. "We were worried about you."

"I know," she gave them a light smile, "but I'm fine."

"You haven't told us what happened," Cyn piped up. The three girls looked at her expectantly.

"Maybe we can get some ice cream after I go to..." she trailed off when she noticed a certain gray-eyed boy heading in their direction. "After I go to detention today."

"Sure, I'll make Jay lend me his car," Faith said with a shrug. "He's worried about you too."

"So is Matt," Cyn added. "He's asked us how you were."

"Mmhmm." Candice's attention was focused on Cooper. She'd never seen him out in the courtyard before. Her gaze flickered back to her friends. "I'm fine."

The other girls turned their heads to follow her gaze and shared a look. "Coop was asking about you too," Cyn said slowly. "Very angrily."

Candice's focus re-centered on them at that. "He what? Why?"

Cyn shrugged, giving her a contemplative look. "We were hoping you could tell us."

Candice's face colored and she averted her eyes but made a point to keep her attention on anything except whatever Cooper was doing. She attempted to shrug as nonchalantly as she could manage, "I have no idea."

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