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"Loyal servants of the Carmella Palace," Adrian started, his hands that were gripping the stone ledge tightening. "Some are probably wondering how and why we were attacked, and for that, I have no answer. All I know is that this was a direct threat to the crown and the safety of my people by the Chalar kingdom to the south. They will not escaped unpunished."

    People shifted in the crowd, worry creasing their brow at what they heard. The Chalar kingdom was known for being an exotic and dangerous place, ruled by a tyrant Queen who wanted the entire world under her thumb.

    "Unfortunately, before we can begin preparations to undergo a counterattack, we must first focus on a matter of grave importance," Adrian paused, seeming to struggle to find the right words to say, knowing no matter how he said it, there would surely be panic. "My father, your King, was struck down tonight by a poison-tipped arrow. He is currently being treated now, however, the antidote is a little more difficult to obtain. One of the ingredients is found only in the Chalar kingdom."

    (Y/N) crossed her arms over her chest as people began shouting in protest, even Adrian's glare not enough to silence them.

    She hummed in thought.

    I don't blame them.

    If my safety was threatened by someone I thought could protect me, I'd be angry too.

    Glancing up, she once more met Adrian's amber eyes, his stare not giving away a single thought or emotion as he just gazed blankly at her, as if waiting to see what her reaction would be as well. After a moment, she gave a slight nod before turning her head away from him.

    Adrian's frown deepened.

    Staring down coldly at his people, he then yelled, "Silence!"

    Everything stilled—all shouting and murmuring of disproval or anger melted away instantly as the crowd looked up to him in slight fear.

    "I know that this is a hard time for all of you, what with loss of friends, maybe family, our home, and now the threat of losing our King," he sighed, his neck craning downward toward his feet in absolute despair before shaking himself of the feeling. "But I will take a small, organized, and well-trained crew with me to Chalar to find the last missing component needed for the antidote. I will be calling out whoever I need for this trip, so please listen when called upon."

   A splatter of something wet hit the back of (Y/N)'s neck, making her cup the back of her neck as she looked up, not surprised when seeing the clouds opening to allow a torrent of rain to fall into the earth below. Glancing to the left of her, she could see Zaahir, Dañero, Aadon, Claude, and everyone else all looking up as well.

    "...and personal attendant, (L/N)."

    Her head then snapped back down to stare straight ahead as she blinked in shock at Adrian, not expecting to hear her name being announced, especially for a mission as important as this one when she was just a mere servant.


    Personal attendant?

    What does that mean?

    "Those that I have called, please meet me in the conference room," Adrian continued with a rather frank and uncompromising tone. "Everyone else, the Queen and Princess will be leading you in restoring our home and honor while I am away. I trust that both will lead you to prosperity. That is all."

    Turning away, Adrian stalked back inside.

    "Well, looks like we're stuck on this trip together, (M/N)," a voice hummed, (Y/N) turning to see Claude gave her an excited grin.

    "You look eager," she commented, drawing his attention away from his thoughts.

    "Of course," he replied, throwing an arm over her shoulder in an almost dramatic way as he looked off into the distance. "I've heard that the Chalar kingdom is full of beautiful women... how can I not be eager to go and see for myself?"

    "So... you're not the least bit interested that this trip is a life or death situation?" She mentioned as she plucked his arm off her shoulder with a raised brow. "That at any point we could be attacked, and that our King is on the verge of death? Also, don't you have a wife?"

"Yes, my wife is the most beautiful woman to ever walk this earth, and of course I'm worried about that," he said, the humor that was in his voice fading away, along with the lighthearted smile. "But... I've learned that it's not wise to focus on the negativities of the situation, or else all will seem hopeless. Of course, this is coming from someone that Aadon likes to call 'childish' and a 'slacker,' so you might not want to take it from me."

Once again, that goofy grin was back.

Rolling her eyes, (Y/N) returning to staring straight ahead as she and Claude followed those who were called by Adrian. Most everyone looked determined in some way, all having the same type of vigor as her to protect their home.

    It was inspiring, to say the least.

    I guess everyone has something to fight for. Losing so much in so little time...

    It affects deeply.

    But... they still stride forward.


    Peering at Claude from the corner of her eye who was trying to brush off his true emotions with a lighthearted and humorous mask, she wondered why he tried so hard not to seem affected. It was true she didn't know much about his personal life aside from the information that he had a wife he doted on very much—no matter what he commented about other women—but she hoped to become closer to him on their trip.

    She wouldn't be too opposed to the idea.

    With that thought in mind, she pushed open the double doors to the conference room with everyone else and stepped inside.

    There, Adrian stood.

    He had been waiting, planning, formulating.

    He was ready to attack.

    He was ready to attack

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