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"Well, aren't you a good boy?" (Y/N) chuckled softly as she fed a carrot to Legend, he eagerly munching up the treat from her hand.

Having been assigned to manage the Prince's personal steed and living arrangements, she did exactly that, pitching the rather large tent up slightly away from everyone else's tents for more privacy, and then setting up the inside complete with two beds, a wash bin, lights, and charts and maps that he'd need to plan their route. It was a long task that took up most of the remaining daylight hours, the sky darkening as she tended to Legend by brushing out his hair of any knots or tangles.

I wonder if I can slip away...

It would be nice to be able to clean myself.

     Chewing on her lip nervously, she finished brushing Legend before walking him over to the other horses tied up, doing the same for him before giving giving all of them fresh water and food. Running her hand through her shortened (H/C) hair, she then walked over to where Adrian was, currently the Prince speaking with Basile. However, upon her approach, his attention immediately turned to her.

    "(L/N)," he spoke. "You've finished your tasks?"

     "Yes, Your Highness," she nodded, lacing her fingers behind her back respectfully.

     "Good, I have another assignment for you," he said as he gestured to the map he was holding, the road that they had traveled, the distance, the time it took, and their current resting area all marked along it. "You and I will be scouting out these areas here." With that, he pointed to the surrounding area around their small camp site before continuing, "This area is known for being filled with bandits, and I don't want to take any chances."

     "With all due respect, Your Highness," Basile started, standing up a bit straighter when speaking. "I don't think it's the best idea for you and (L/N) to be going about this... alone."

    "I assure you, both he and I are perfectly capable of handling ourselves."

Basile sighed.

"Well?" Adrian raised a brow.

"Of course, sire..."

"Very good," Adrian gave a sharp nod before turning back to (Y/N). "Stay here, (L/N). I need to go fetch my sword."

"Yes, Your Highness," she complied, watching him walk away before glancing up at Basile.

The Advisor wasn't openly hostile nor tense around her as he once more began to study the open maps on the table, but she could tell he was very aware of her presence and what she was capable of. Not only that, but she could see his eyes drift down to the sword strapped on her hip from time to time, something that made her exasperated. She was required to have her sword on her at all times as Adrian's personal attendant and guard, so there was really nothing she could do to ease Basile's worries over her with a weapon.

"Sir Oman... pardon my asking, but have I done something to acquire your suspicions?" She questioned, truly curious about his wariness towards her. "I truly don't have any self-serving motives."

"Honestly..." he sighed, placing the tips of his fingers against his forehead in displeasure. "I don't understand why His Highness trusts you enough to have you be his personal attendant—more so, how he can trust a servant who has been here for so little time, at that." Meeting her eyes, he then muttered, "But, I would like to give you the benefit of the doubt if I can. However, that will certainly take time. You haven't done one thing or another to earn my suspicions, more so, I just need time. Surely you understand that, do you not?"

"I understand, sir," (Y/N) nodded.

Glancing away from her whilst clearing his throat, he then slicked back his long hair before walking away, once again directing orders over the other men. Watching him go, she then crossed her arms over her chest, a bit disappointed.

Oh, well.

I didn't think everyone would trust me, but since he himself hired me, I hoped he would.

It doesn't matter, though.

I have nothing to hide.

"(L/N)," Adrian spoke, startling (Y/N) when he set a hand on her shoulder. "It's time to leave."

     "Ah... of course," she nodded, glancing back one last time to spot Basile staring right at them before turning and walking with the Prince into the woods, letting out a sigh that he took notice of.

"Is something wrong?"

     "No... just... thinking about some things that I shouldn't be thinking about."

     "Oh?" He raised an eyebrow, curiosity growing. "Pray tell what it is that is making you so... agitated?"

     "I'm not agitated."

     "Then what is it?" He tilted his head

     (Y/N) glanced up at the man, finding that he was already looking at her intently, as if also already knowing her answer and only wanting to confirm it. Glancing back down to the forest floor, her feet sinking into the soft moss, she didn't answer him, instead feeling the wind whipping in her hair and the soft rustling sounds of the trees' leaves.

     "Prince Adrian..." she then started whilst peering up at him, using his name as he asked her to, his lips tilting into a smile when she did so. "Sir Oman does not trust me, which I understand. You trust him though, and he you. So... why do you insist on trusting me?"

"Why indeed?" He mused.

Adrian himself didn't exactly know why he kept (Y/N) by his side as there were people he couldn't be close to. However, he guessed it was likely due to the way she had spoken out against him back in the shed when they were attacked, almost casually so as if talking to another commoner rather than Prince. It struck a chord within him, though he didn't understand why—something about her just made him want to get to know her, maybe even become friends with her. Someone like that could be useful to him in the future, especially if they were able to talk him out of certain things or be able to see things he couldn't.

"I guess I think of you as a friend," Adrian then hummed. "I certainly don't have many of them, as much as it pains me to say."

(Y/N) chuckled at that.

Instantly, she placed a hand over her mouth.

"It's fine," Adrian smiled. "It's fine."


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