Another storm?

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Olivia woke up suddenly because her bed was shaking. She looked around while sitting on her bed, but everything appeared normal and peaceful. She wondered if it was just a dream. Tara was sleeping soundly on the bed next to hers. Olivia was lost in thought when suddenly the bed shook again. She whispered nervously to herself, "Is this a storm?" Feeling excited, she quickly dressed and ran down the corridor towards the staircase. As soon as she reached the ship's deck, she could hear the wind howling. The deck was shaking back and forth, and she felt like she was on a roller coaster. Suddenly, lightning lit up the environment, making her feel like she was watching a horror movie. She rushed to the corridor as it was the short way to the cabin. As she was walking along the corridor which was bordered by the sea and marked by a safety fence, she caught the sight of Melvin walking a few steps ahead of her. As the rain started to pour heavily, her vision became blurred with a shade of blue. She raised her hand to shield her eyes and see more clearly. The strong winds, thunder, and heavy rain combined to create a terrifying and ominous atmosphere, resembling a gathering of demons. The ship's deck was shaking violently, causing it to feel like an earthquake was happening. Massive waves were crashing onto the deck, resembling the arms of monsters trying to snatch any human in their reach. The corridor was wet and slippery, making it difficult to maintain balance. Olivia had to grip the fence tightly to prevent being thrown overboard.

As she ambled along the corridor, carefully placing one foot in front of the other, she was completely unaware of the horror that awaited her. Suddenly, her peaceful stroll was interrupted by a spine-chilling sight - Melvin had fallen into the sea! The fear that gripped her was unlike anything she had ever experienced before. With all her might, she darted towards Melvin screaming, her voice trembling with fear.

"Melvin! Oh my God! No!"

She bent over the fence and stretched out her hand to grasp Melvin's hand, the only thing that could save her from imminent danger. Luckily Melvin could grab Olivia's hand. But don't relax. The danger isn't gone completely yet.

"Grab my hand"

Olivia shouted stretching her other hand toward Melvin as well. Melvin struggled to catch her hand and eventually she did. Olivia tried with all her strength to pull her up into the ship deck again and realized she was not as strong as the heroes she's seen in movies.

"I can't pull you up! Can you put your feet on something and push up" Olivia shouted to Melvin. Melvin tried to pull herself up. But she couldn't find anything in the limit of her legs could reach.

"I can't!" Melvin shouted back to Olivia. As Olivia looked around, she realized that she could not continue to hold Melvin for much longer. The ship's deck was slippery and the two of them were in danger of falling into the ocean at any moment. The water droplets streaming down her arms only added to the difficulty of the situation, making it hard for Melvin to hold on tight. If they do not come up with a plan soon, both of them will be already dead by the time when others start to search for them. Olivia looked at the sea. Suddenly the ship moved up at once as the waves were crashing. Olivia barely managed not to lose her balance.

But a bright idea popped up in her head at that moment of danger. She looked down at Melvin.

"Melvin! Wait for the next wave to hit. I'll pull you up. The upward movement of the ship will provide enough push to get you aboard."

"OK!" Melvin shouted as he looked down at the deep, scary ocean. They waited anxiously for the next wave, feeling the ship bobbing up and down beneath them. After two minutes felt like an hour, a massive wave finally hit the ship. Olivia seized the opportunity and used all her strength to pull Melvin up as the ship began to rise. As they were thrown onto the deck by the force, they clung onto the fence for dear life to avoid another fall into the sea.

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