Terrible mistake?

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Kalvin saw Elsa's face on the screen. She was surprised to see Kalvin back on the call.

"Kalvin? Where is Olivia? I see you have passed the storm. What's the problem?" Elsa inquired as she carefully examined the tracking details. Kalvin's piercing gaze towards Elsa spoke volumes about his anger towards the situation. He would shoot her right now if he could shoot through the screen. But Elsa didn't seem to realize Kalvin's anger. She kept checking details and radars.

"I just want to talk to Bell," Kalvin said calmly. Elsa looked at him in surprise.

"But he must be asleep right now. If there is any issue I can help you..." Kalvin interrupted Elsa.

"He's awake, I'm sure. I need him right now, also Maxwell if that's possible. Nobody else can help." Kalvin explained and Elsa looked at him still surprised. She knew about Kalvin's bond with Bell. She has seen Bell carrying Kalvin to the hospital in Kalvin's training season. She knew how much Bell cared for his children and she dialled to Bell.

"I'll try to get him here," Elsa said looking at her tab and dialing to Bell. Kalvin nodded lost in thoughts.

Meanwhile, Olivia went to Melvin's room with Melvin. Olivia looked at Melvin after she locked the door.

"So what are you going to do now? Keep me locked up?" Olivia whispered confused. Melvin looked at her with a smirk.

"Come on I know you are not that stupid" she said, her tone tinged with sarcasm as she turned to Olivia. Olivia eyed her with a quizzical expression.

 "Honestly, I just can't make heads or tails of these Snow siblings - correction, Turner siblings," she muttered under her breath. Melvin glared at Olivia and declared, 

"Kalvin was right. I should have let him kill you instead of trusting you." Olivia was understandably bewildered, and asked,

"Then why did you bother bringing me here?" in utter confusion. Melvin sighed. Melvin's voice was heavy with concern.

"I'm pretty sure Kalvin is calling Bell for a confession now, after all that I did." Olivia's eyes widened in alarm.

"But Bell is a ruthless leader. He would kill you both. He's the only chancellor who performs the death penalty himself."Melvin shook her head, her eyes intense.

"You don't know Bell like I do. He's not a monster who shoots people like you're thinking. He only does it when he has to. He's not heartless, he's just pragmatic. And I know for a fact that he cares for Kalvin deeply. He'd risk his own life to protect Kalvin."

Olivia listened in silence, her expression thoughtful. Melvin's words had given her pause. Perhaps there was more to Bell than she had realized.

"What if he disagrees? He can't make the decision alone. A council vote for a pardon will be called. Murder is unforgivable" Olivia questioned considering every possibility.

"That's why you are here," Melvin said pointing to Olivia. Olivia felt like she was being played for a moment.

Melvin looked at Olivia and said, "If you think I would risk my brother's life for you just because you once saved me, I'm sorry but I'm not that stupid." She then gestured for Olivia to join her on the sofa. Olivia looked at Melvin unpleasantly.

"What do you want me to do?" She asked directly feeling exhausted. She knew where this convocation led. Melvin came straight to the point.

" OK. I want you to talk to Elsa and make her agree to vote for our side in the vote for pardon. She can also make Madam Brown agree with her. They both are haunted by the case of Asia. Chancellor Johnson will vote for us because he is very impressed with my talents." Melvin said and Olivia looked at her with burning questions in her head.

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