Beauty Standards

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As I stand here looking in the mirror,
A million thoughts racing through my mind.
I know I'm not ugly, but still I fear,
That beauty is something I'll never find.

I try to remind myself of all my good traits,
But the voice in my head keeps pushing them aside.
It's hard to escape the society's standards,
That make me feel like I'm not enough, no matter how hard I've tried.

I see my reflection, a face that's not flawed,
But my mind still tells me I'm not beautiful.
I wish I could just embrace and applaud,
But instead, I'm consumed by thoughts so hurtful.

I know beauty comes in all shapes and sizes,
But still, I can't help but compare.
To the flawless faces, plastered on magazine covers,
Leaving me feeling inadequate and bare.

I long to feel confident in my own skin,
To see myself as a work of art.
But the constant pressure to fit in,
Makes it hard for me to even start.

I wish I could see what others see,
A person worthy of love and praise.
But my mind plays tricks, it's hard to break free,
From this cycle of self-critique and haze.

So I'll keep reminding myself every day,
That beauty is not just skin deep.
And though I may not always feel this way,
My worth and beauty are mine to keep.

For I am not defined by society's eye,
I am more than just a pretty face.
And though some days I may still cry,
I'll learn to embrace my own unique grace.

So I'll stand here in front of the mirror,
And say to myself with love and care.
You are not ugly, my dear,
You are beautiful, beyond compare.

Beautiful Words for Beautiful PeopleUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum